"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace
PFP by @dahliaxblack
Vector Life Giver
School Of Visual Arts
Allentown PA
Joined on 6/20/00
See, way to make Youtube work FOR us :D
Sooooo... the real april fools was that it was really real, but not yet? MC you sneaky bastard!
NICE! thats amazing
Haha, I love how the brilliant revolving stand is being powered by your hand.
These prizes are great! How did you get/make them?
were you... microwaving ... the pico trophy?
Wait a sec... wasn't that from revver, not vimeo, just a sec ago?
ya Im testing them all.
revver doesnt size it right yet :(
That's an amazing Trophy. Good work bastards :P
Funny..."Awesome Paperweight"...Yep...all your sleepless nights making the best flash and you get a paperweight...haha jk, I'm just ranting cause I know I can't get one of those...
it wont be cause my movie wont be finished by then... sorry im dissapointing and lame :C the movie's looking hot tho :)
kool, but it's too late for me, i'm not doing pico day this year :(
I need to improve my art first.
if a pico game wins a trohpy, would both artist and coder get one or would they have to share?
we would probably get more done if that happens
Is that in your microwave? Because that would be a silly idea.
ferakin awesome!
but since i entered te MG collab i dont think ill finish a pico day flash on time...
hey, would you be giving those next year??
Epic Trophy Is Epic
also you have a garbage whistle?
fuckin awesome dude.