Wow that site is pretty nice.
"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace
Vector Life Giver
School Of Visual Arts
Allentown PA
Joined on 6/20/00
Wow that site is pretty nice.
I'm really curious as to how they are comparing images. The only why I could think to do this is by computing the distances of squares or something similar to that. My guess is its some form of machine learning (train with the given picture, then run the database).
The most accurate machine learning algorithms i know of are about 97% accurate.
thats insane
Unfortunately, Mr. Glaiel-Gamer ^, your proposed method of search isn't actually what TinEye implements:
"Wondering why TinEye couldn't find your image?
* TinEye looks for the specific image you uploaded, not the content of the image. TinEye cannot identify people or objects in an image."
At least it's not as complicated! :)
oh? even if its renamed? hows does it know?
Kart-Man wrong. My guess is that it looks for color similarities in the image, by letting the code that they use to trace and look at the image's pixels, of course, they've filtered results to not be too broad or too narrow, for example Mindchamber's result pic: that little thingy with wings was added to the image, and it looks like some of the color has changed, but TinEye has found that result by ignoring that difference and the BG difference, and pooping out the result by searching either the internets or a database.
What he said: "Wondering why TinEye couldn't find your image?
* TinEye looks for the specific image you uploaded, not the content of the image. TinEye cannot identify people or objects in an image."
Means that if I took a picture of myself from one angle, and then another angle, it would not be able to find the image. Kart-Man just interperetetered it wrong.
its all magic to me! D:
I meant to say *is wrong*. lol.
It probably works the same way as text or face recognition software.
Your attentiveness at finding this earns you 20 "Awesome-ness Points"
Your Garbage Whistle drops you 20 "Awesome-ness Points"
Then again, this would be helpful to the mods, so you end up with 600 "Awesome-ness Points" go cash em in for prizes, such as a pat on the back, or maybe even a high-five if your really lucky...
But in all seriousness, this is really great, Bookmarked Mr."Chamber"
holy shit your 73 years old?
omg my art brang up FIFTEEEN BILLON SYTES
You know, I try my hardest to get better at drawing and animation. It's hard fucking work. This "tracing" shit just pisses me off.