The Movie was the best one ive seen this year, But it a little perverted...
"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace
Vector Life Giver
School Of Visual Arts
Allentown PA
Joined on 6/20/00
The Movie was the best one ive seen this year, But it a little perverted...
yeah I liked it too
I really don't know why everyone says this movie was bad (if you liked it, then your awesome). Transformers are awesome by default! They're massive, battling robots that can waste 2 and a half hours of your time! WHAT IS NOT TO LIKE?!?!?! Seriously, when I saw the movie, I kind of felt stunned throughout the entire thing, but that is why i saw it in the first place!
p.s. Your robots are NOT faggy. They are awesome.
Hey MC how does it feel knowing that Rtil is better than you?
lol, troll#2 wants some attention as well.
anyways it feels just fine., besides you should know know it feels, lol
lmao at mo4form desperately trying to get a tiny teeny piece of Internet fame by any means possible.
Have you ever considered going to Rtil's house, Knocking on his or her door and then when he or her answers beat the living shit out of him or her. Then go inside his or her's house and Bash his or her's computer in half like a twig.
whats the challenge in that?
Wait, we wanted a simple answer, was it good or was it bad?
soo bad its good XD
i just want to see that smoke and mirrors put to the beast wars line, i dont own a single autobot.. i want a movie that'll make me awe-inspired and afraid of my pet turtle when i come home.
"I... love you..." So deep, just so deep.
I just got back from watching the film, and I've got to say, if you're looking for an intellectual film that delicately and vibrantly expresses the inner secrets of the human condition, this isn't for you. It's a blockbuster. Blockbusters are known for their mega epic awesome effects and fights and explosions, rather than the finer details, love, family, friendship etc. They were in there, but the beginning was laughable;
"I'm breaking up with you"
"Don't break up with me"
"Ok I won't ^_^"
I thought it was a good blockbuster, very entertaining in all itsrobot alien fighting glory. What else was I to expect?
I watched the film last Monday and I have to say, it's a really awesome movie :] If you want to see explosions and destruction, this is your kind of film!
My god, that is exactly how I felt! The fight scenes were excellent, but the storyline sucked. I made a thread about my rant, but you basically summed it up, perfectly.
Are you being honest about that or is there a corporate business paying you for the advertisement if you say positive things about them but you chose to go around the loophole and say something positively negative instead?
you're a retard
The movie was epic, but you can probably tell the animation wasn't quite as good as number one's. The Decepticons had a hell lot of dudes, like Grindor, and Scavenger. I can't wait for the third one, but what the hell is it going to be about?
"This war isn't over...yet." Megatron says as Starscream and himself evacuate Earth. At the part you can tell there's going to be No.3
they plan to bring in unicron.
The best part was probably when Optimus Ripped that Decepticon's head in half. For the Third movie they better fix bumblebee's voice , he pisses me off. And If they DO bring in Unicron it will be completely badass
meh i was never really into transformers but the movie t 2 was bad ass visaully it was like OMG BOOM WTF JUST HAPPEND I DONT UNDER STAND WATS GOING ON RIGHT NOW BUT I CANT LOOK AWAY lol yeh good flick i suggest it for anyone who likes big explosions robot fights or gangster robots :P
This movie its awesome
ah were would we be with out gient robots
Which means it's bad ¬_¬