"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace
PFP by @dahliaxblack

Vector Life Giver

School Of Visual Arts

Allentown PA

Joined on 6/20/00

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i'm leaving a comment on the besty mod ever's page! w00t!

and Im working on getting you banned for uploading stolen content Wooo!

Man, I wouldn't want to say sorry for your loss because I wouldn't want offend you. But, I am sorry that she made you feel like that. You're an enormous talent and don't have to apologize to anyone for following your dreams. How shitty to have someone that is supposed to love and care for you mentally abuse you. It's really sickening, and I am sorry.

Maybe one day you could find a way to forgive her, and let go of those feelings. I hate sounding like a douchey Oprah episode, but holding on to those feelings will just hurt you in the end. Then, she really won't have any power over you.

Peace bro

its cool Oprah rocks!

and thanks

Hm... lemme put it like this bit for bit. I had to laugh out loud when i read about your irony of covering her burying costs. Dunno if its heartless of me, but that sure had me laughing hard. Very long comment with examples below.

About your fueled anger, ive felt the same way about my family. They think that they can stomp on you telling you that youre this and that, and insult you because they dunno what your real intentions are. Pressure on your shoulders, which drives you insane that you just wanna throw a big rock on the person who got you sweatin. Then youre like all pumped up and aggressive and wish you could break their fuckin faces, because they dont know a shit about you. Its a deep thing. I used to think about it a lot and eventually wished that some certain family members were dead (note that it was all talk only), just because they kept talking shit. But when your mind gets clearer, you start thinking about what it would be like if they died, and you ask yourself if they really deserved it. All the hidden aggressive anger inside me took me to a very blank spot. All the hating just doesnt make sense anymore. But still the hate had already turned my heart into stone... or ice... icy stone, yeah whatever. I developed strong stubbornness. On the contrary of what you say about you getting stronger from all the shit you took, i felt like being chopped in pieces. All the pressure and bullshit that i was hit with made me creep together in a corner and i became quiet and very depressed for a long period, which is why i fuckin hated them. But eventually the tables turn. I could say that all the hating only made me... stronger. Wow what cliché. Stubbornness made me stand up and it filled me up with my own motherfucking desires. All because of hate. So yeah, youre ultimately right. Its YOUR life, YOUR desires and YOUR moves. Anyone who scold you can eat a fat dick and rot in hell. No one else should dare standing in the way, they will just fuck around and get stepped on. And thats the taste of stubbornness. It might not seem bright, but life is a bitch. People just have to deal with it. You got two middle fingers. Use them wisely.

But on the other hand... next time just try settling down with your relatives and work it out first, its much better that way than family conflicts. They really sting. Fighting fire with fire should be the last option. I already got scars (bad memories) from doing it.

amen, Hamms


Well aside from that rant about some you hate( ican't really relate except to say that whoever i hate the most, i'm becoming because im just sitting here) know that here, at least, there are just as many who love you for the Newgrounds Rumble. btw, are you the guy who made the artwork of hank in the game? I know krinkels did it, but Hank looks so freakin awesome!

Ya I animated Hank in Rumble

and thanks

oh yeah...you did'nt get confused by wat i posted didya?

do you hate me? T-T

It doesn't slow you down? How could you possibly go any slower than you already are?
(lol I'm just trying to be mean like the rest of the commenters. You're not actually that slow at animating... kind of...)

haha, being slow and being uninspired are two different things.

how did you come up with your username? its pretty awesome

You know I would say you should love your grandma because of your hate for her it drove you to where you are now YOU STUPID PIECE OF ELEPHANT SHIT! But then if you loved her you wouldn't have been driven to make flash YOU PETER PUFFER! So I will do what I can to help you FATCHICK FUCKING GAY ASS HOMO! Keep on doing what you are doing (donkey dick).

lolz how did you find out I liked fatchicks :P

Hate and death are very powerful forces, to twist and turn a person's spirit into ways that would seem impossible to the eyes who have never felt it. Ranting and raving about a topic you are all too familiar with would not achieve anything, so I will simply share the thought I have operated off for many years now.

Blessed are those who can turn their pain into art, for the most beautiful things, come from the darkest places.

And I think your art dictates this well. Keep up the good fight!

I made this JUST. FOR . YOU. YOUR CARTOONS ARE CRAP, And are nothing more than a hobby. Not really now go make something AWESOME! <a href="http://northchain.deviantart.com/art/Granny-For-MindChamber-68478469">http://northchain.deviantart.com/art/


But I do like your work. Does positive influence help at all or is it backwards? Also, you still make good blogs. And if ridicule does make you strong, I trust this comment won't get deleted, and I mean no hard feelings. Just sarcasm. Which maybe some queers can't understand, eh?

Keep it up.

hahah thats about right

Also, forgot to mention. I have empathy for the subject in your blog. I may not have enough in me for writing as much as Vert or Hammi, The only thing different is the fact that I don't know if you've ever felt such hate as to feeling pure rage, anger, contempt, and much more from the mere sight (or perfume as stated in your blog) of her. However, did you live with your Grandmother at a time?

....Huh. So much to say and express but not enough feeling to express it, you know? Perhaps I may hear from you later.

what the hell is Merekat Manor?

Is this the time when we hug and share feelings, or can I just see your vagina already.

HAHA! U blocked me because u cant take the truth that U SUCK! S O W E A K ! ! !

yes you are right! I wanna be just like you! youve done sooooo much hahaha

Amazing. I can relate. I believe that hate is a human feeling that in some sense, we need. If we had no feeling of hatred or dislike, where would the need to be better be?

I think this is great.

mr mindchamber,
i assume this will make little difference to you, and this blog was written a while ago, but i would like to tell you that you have succeeded in making a difference in the world.
the high level of your flashes make me proud to vote on them.
the content and humour help me after a bad day.
you are a great storyteller, and thanks to this day and age, you can also share your stories, now with graphics, to the whole world.
i still remember the take on taipan you did, and the pico vid and games ( reloaded was it?)
so sir, thank you for being part of ng.
i understand this may not fuel your engine of hate,
but i hope i have made room for an engine of pride, and of fellowship to your fellow NGers.

thank you for your time.


Dude I was laughing while reading this entire thing. xD