well im glad someone else is given the 'mexican' tag other than me. it gets lonely and annoying.
"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace
Vector Life Giver
School Of Visual Arts
Allentown PA
Joined on 6/20/00
well im glad someone else is given the 'mexican' tag other than me. it gets lonely and annoying.
don't worry, once we fuck the white people out of existence, their joke will finally be played out
Mine did look like that. I just cleaned it up last night. It'll look like that again by next week.
The robocop vid was annoying.
then dont watch it.
help your parents with chores or something, do something useful besides bitching, lol
did you trace dat picture on your userpage header!
i just needed to say something.
yes, I traced it from my mind
I guess your into John K aswell then? funnily enough i just did a 15 minute seminar on him :P and bakshi played a vital role being his partner during the days of Might mouse and stuff. Nice to know you follow his teachings.
And yeah, Stop with the porn.
Mighty Mouse was da shit, alot of people didnt get it when it came out, now its a classic.
Well, there's a reason why they have cluttered Desktops: They're, using Macs. and you out match them further, and you managed to out due them and you have what appears to be a PC. HOWEVER I COULD BE WRONG!
With a monitor that big, your desktop doesn't look busy at all...
WOw! Man you have halo3
Awesome.Can you PM me with your gamertag so we play eh.?
My desktop is loaded with folders that are loaded with junk.overall-about 1,500 things.
P.S-I like Halo too :)
nice man ur desktop is busy man and whats the picture
mine used to be worse!
Haha, I do the same thing. Just dump everything on the desktop, let it arrange it automatically, then after awhile I just stuff it into one big 'Desktop Shit' folder when it gets so cluttered that nothing else will fit.
ur still mexican lol
actually Im puerto Rican, which makes me more american than most White people here.
Definitely more so than your 3rd world lithuanian ass, lol.
don't you have some plutonium to mine?