Looks real awesome so far, i guess i will have to go buy an iphone now. I really want to see this in motion...
"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace
PFP by @dahliaxblack
Vector Life Giver
School Of Visual Arts
Allentown PA
Joined on 6/20/00
Looks real awesome so far, i guess i will have to go buy an iphone now. I really want to see this in motion...
I want to see it in motion too, but I wouldnt get an iphone lol, just borrow someone elses :3
remember its still a small wave based game, just a fun lil time killer
I hope the bitch im fabulous appears after each kill.
that actually wouldve been pretty awesome
i don't even own an ipod....yet so yeah im never going to get this -_- WHY MUST I BE SO POOR AND YOUNG
Neither do I, that's why I borrowed a friends to try it out
AW HELL yeah! time to blow up some zombie minds while bringing out awesome catchpharses!!!
to bad i dont have money to buy it Q_Q
@bocodamondo you moron...read the entire post befor comment.
you can clearly read down there "free"... pathetic...
lol its ok.
but im pretty sure that catchphrase was just a photoshop mock up, but its a damn great idea.
I downloaded it on my iPhone 3GS and not only is the font barely readable but I can't seem to find a sort of play button. I can only seem to access the selection screens but no gameplay or anything.
i take the blame for that font :( . sorry about that :/
i thought it had a cool titanic vibe. looks better on the ipad from the screenshots I saw.
yeah I used to own an iPod touch but then it got jacked by Arabians
dont get bullied, take karate!
Please disregard my last comment, I am an idiot. However, the controls were barely responsive and the camera was a bitch. The font on the selection screens may need to be smaller and are certain enemies meant to be lying down?
Ya I just tried it this morning, it definitely needs to move quicker,. theres a sensitivity option, so when I can borrow back the iphone Ill try that. And yah theres zombies that crawl along the floor. Kinda bummed they are already crawling, I did this cool contorting animation for that., ( a regular zombie contorts and starts crab walkin) I wonder if it was cut out do to filesize or somethin :(
Looks slick man, great work!
thanks trying ta branch out
Have you played Toxie Radd 3D submitted by Xplored?
jesus, loved it so much, brought back a lot of good old house of the dead on rail nostalgia.
Zombies? Booorrriiiiiiinnng...
I didnt pick the game or story idea :c
I'd really like to see Newgrounds go deeper iOS development.
I've been dabbling in the mobile market as well.
yah its a fun change for sure
You should make a RED BARON Ipad Game!!!
would that be fun? touch controls for a brawler? unless its like Infinity Sword I guess., but would that be fun? lol
Looks cool! Unfortunately I only own an Android phone...
ha same here
actually... i dont know. I watched the videos of BATMAN ARKHAM CITY LOCKOUT for Ipad and looks reaaaaaally boring
I think that games like the M BOT would work on a touch control device
lol I dont think i want a baron game like that..Stagger maybe
the whole game looks like it was made out of cardboard btw
I agree it isn't the prettiest game arround. But ya gotta start somewhere
Mannnn, if Newgrounds EVER gets a multiplayer server running someday, we ought to team up on a multiplayer zombie Flash game. Just sayin.
Lol. Im sure that's next right after a proper chat
Pretty fun game, very smooth controls. I actually like it more than the Call of Duty: Zombies app that's out, and it's free, so... bonus points!
Ahhh cool than ks for the feedback
Looks pretty solid i'll have to check it out :)
Any animations coming?
yah still working on that music vid, should be up before pico day