Wait... why did stamper say that you are dead?
"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace
Vector Life Giver
School Of Visual Arts
Allentown PA
Joined on 6/20/00
Wait... why did stamper say that you are dead?
oh, u got meh!
btw, how did your perception of pico come to you?
I'm looking for inspiration for a new flash, yet can't seem to find any.
One day I'd like to buy you a beer.
Anyway, ya better had finished that toon before ya died. :P lol
are you really making pico2?
sweet! glad your finally making a proper flash :D
Everyone thinks you are dead
P-Bot looks weird..Is this going to be his final result or is this just a mid-process image?
I hope you make it good.
Looks like P-bot to me, and this is how it will look, sorry to disappoint it aint epic enough for you..
good luck bagging that white chick
lol, so you aren't going to even try to get a betta whistle?
Lol, I will when you make a flash that takes more than 2 days to create
Jose Jalapeno, On a steek.
Awesome pic, by the way.
Curious, I can´t see anything wrong with P-Bot. He looks as usual to me.
Talking of him... Is his design inspired by Disney´s "The Black Hole" Vincent? I thought immediatly of him when I saw it for the first time...
Maximillian was much cooler, but I loved´em both. That movie featured cool robots and spaceships... and little more.
It´s funny to see that we seem to have had similar interests in our childhoods...
yup! you are totally right!. when I went on to redesign P-bot the first thing I did was look at Tom's original P-Bot, which was inspired by Vincent. I was like Oh shit I love Vincent! so I kept some of those designs.
Why does P-Bot look nervous? P-Bot doesn't get nervous, he just blams.
Btw when are MC forums coming back up? And when will you actually make something worthwhile? And when will you not look at my profile and insult me using it?
lul nvr
hahah theres always some faggot in need of attention.
go ask mommy for cookies and get off my dick.
I trust your protectin' your rear now that your in jail eh? :3
Have a get out of jail free card.
so, i hear that youve come back to life and stabbed someone, and are now in jail. man, you get around!
somehow, you are in "jail", and you posted that you're on a psp and said: "fuck you all". dont you get your items confiscated when you go to jail???????
How's jail
federal, "pound me in the ass" prison...
Mindchamber, if you get this you must be in jail a while ago. Don't do anything stupid again.
So...you're not dead?