Is it rude to say you deserved the daily 1st place? Anyway, great job man.
"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace
PFP by @dahliaxblack
Vector Life Giver
School Of Visual Arts
Allentown PA
Joined on 6/20/00
Is it rude to say you deserved the daily 1st place? Anyway, great job man.
haha thanks for the kind words, but I love sonic too! at least I beat Slave to Pleasure :/
Damn cool music video, damn cool. I love your whacked out curvy buildings.
haha yah, I cant make a straight line to save my life, so I said fuck it!
Nice work, dude.
same to you man, your Maladies series is very good
Wow your posing, effects, and shading are all top notch, i really liked the loud art styles and the painted backgrounds with the same feel, really great animation!
who the fuck is osuka???
its this stuff i put in my coffee :3
Don't you hate when you forget to click the front page post button and you have to do the entire post over again
Bad animation and bad music.
This sucks...balls.
It definitely couldve been better, but I didnt think its BAD bad,
sorry you didn't like it
When the song started, I didn't really get into the beat, it took me like 30 seconds to get in the groove. I think (the song's) beginning could be more on the spot and catchy.
I really liked the coloring in this, nice work.
the song is ok but I feel the animation is a lot better if you start from 2:05.
Lovin It from there on.
If the rapper really wanted to use his hands so much he could have done more than bobbing it for the first 2 minutes lol.
But stil, good video for a mediocre song.
the fist bobbing was my fault, I was supposed to mix that up a bit more.
3:28... Never gets old.
Never drop this style too dude, it's awesome!
ha thanks
Haha, jus' playing!
Sweet vid.
lol..."designed for one handed play!"
well... the vid is awesome the blood splatters the realistic rapper in the end... it just took my breath a awy
WTF! Now you also think I'm mandog? Not only am I not richmansgirl, (regardless of what you think, you're wrong) (next time you're checking IP's you should check back further than just a couple of weeks) I can assure you I'm not mandog either. Just because I deposited his EXP for him for a few days does not make him me or me him. If that's the case then I'm also Gimmick and Hacsev. You know far less than you think.
I was simply being facetious with my statement as both you and mandog are known to have lengthy conversations with your alts, it was simply a jab, but I do know a bit more than Im telling, so try not to come on my page and stir shit.
Or you will start to find your alts magically disappear,
now go ahead sign in as your imaginary daughter, and tell me I should top hurting "daddy's" feelings, you creepy attention seeker.
"...I'm in love hip-hop, but most my fans just fist-pump..."
-Hoodie Allen
I think this guy can relate.