I had no idea! I assume you can do the reverse and superimpose characters imported from flash and model backgrounds for itself. This feature can make the transition from 2D to 3D easier for most I'd imagine.
"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace
PFP by @dahliaxblack
Vector Life Giver
School Of Visual Arts
Allentown PA
Joined on 6/20/00
I had no idea! I assume you can do the reverse and superimpose characters imported from flash and model backgrounds for itself. This feature can make the transition from 2D to 3D easier for most I'd imagine.
That is pretty neat-o. The 3D environment and camera moving isn't too un-intuitive to me, but I've messed around in Maya and Blender a bit.
I hate blenders interface.. there's an option when it loads up to interact with it like 3dmax or Maya but nothing happens
Wish I learned this first
Blender is now a top priority...I've always wanted to try deep canvas, and this little bugger has re-inspired me to do so.
That's interesting!, could create a unique animation style between 2d and 3d together in one software.
Saw this last month, but I guess I haven't been asked about a good animation/rendering program in a while. Yer an old hand at this sort of thing, and I'm strongly inclined to trust your judgement... some of this stuff's in the NG Wikia on animation yeah? Can only go so far to help the noobs out and all.
Ok i wont go it just im so lazy at art and im also a bad artest now i know the rules
that's really cool. Nice to know about, Ive seen epople using mangastudio and a lot else but not blender. I'll have to give that a shot see how it feels. Thanks for the resources.
Still waiting for Pico 2
Pretty good, pretty good.
That's why the world is fucked up now, parents giving their kids technological devices early. Then they get addicted.
Too be honest that's how my head is fucked now, lol.
That's pretty cool, seeing a 2d plane in the 3d software, probably super handy for making those full motion turns!