"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace
PFP by @dahliaxblack

Vector Life Giver

School Of Visual Arts

Allentown PA

Joined on 6/20/00

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Robot Day 2020..Rebuilding MindChamber

Posted by MindChamber - January 5th, 2020

Update: Its Robot Day!!

Excited to settle in this evening and take a peek at all the goodies!!

If you're not done, no worries, the deadline is 12midnight. eastern, so you got some time.

Ill be posting winners Sunday Afternoon on 8/30

UPdate Sunday: Still Deliberating.. this is gonna be a tough one. Give me till tonight to post winners.

Figure I might as well post this one early,give people some extra time. Same time as Last year August 26th!

Iet's keep it nice and tidy, Ill just be judging Art, animations and games. If the turn out is lean, then Audio peeps could throw in their hat as well. Though it would work best if they collab'd with some animators or game Dev'rs.. Since theres more time I have more breathing room to set a little more cash into this, Id only ask that whatever ya make, it was made between now and Robot Day:

Also make sure to tag your work "robotday2020". So I can search for submissions

1st place ..200 bux in PayPal and a year of NG Sub

2nd place..150 bux in PayPal and 1 year of NG sub

3rd place..50 bux in PayPal and 1 year of NG sub

if you already have a Subscription to NG yourself, we can just add another year, or link me to someone that I can gift to in your name.


Now Something Off-Topic but MindChamber related:


Over a decade ago I made a progress post showing the work that went into my MindChamber figure.. I want to use this post as my progress blog for my new Figure, which has been pretty much redesigned completely since then. The only difference is Ill be making him in 3D and printing out the pieces.. Im hoping that having Robot Day as a solid deadline, will keep me pushing foward until this bad boy is done..

Heres a really rough test print of his head.. Rotation sketches coming soon.



So keep an eye out for progress on this blog... Otherwise see ya on Robot Day!

Tiny MC Update Tried to work on the Torso this sunday, but wrestled more with my wacom drivers.. more hopefully this week..


In the story MC Was originally designed as a Mech, but his original body doesn't represent that well.. He needs to look like almost an empty husk when hes not 'occupied' with a Pilot

Getting there:




robot day yeaaaa

Some new Robots before the Summertime?
Sounds easy enough since we've just barely started Winter. :P

times Flies !

@Syrupmasterz @MindChamber
Very true, I'll make sure to not zone out and forget. haha

hehe Ill try my best not to :p

This looks awesome, shall check back on progress later on...

Also thought this might be a post in regard to your site. I remember it having a pretty bad-ass design back in the day! Is that career bit a scrapped part these days though?

Yah.. It was really awesome having my own site, and made some long time friends on there, who actually migrated here. @zombiepimp and @sinistermentor being just two of many.. But these days.. having a site is just not in vogue. It was also a huge hassle updating the back end. that wordpress was always getting infected with something :p

WOW that looks epic!

thanks homey, still figuring this ish out!

Badass, I'll start planning something!


Enjoying seeing your struggles and problem solving with the 3D printing via FB. You seem to be having a LOT more problems with your machine than I have with mine, but you're also doing a lot more custom prints so far (though I'm trying to catch up).

I also have less patience than you :3.. Its a fun machine for sure. and yah cant wait to see your custom stuff as well

Hahaha nice dude!! Maaaaan with your 3D skills I can't wait to see what you unleash into the world with a 3D printer, you've got insane vision and it's awesome that you can bring it to life like this

What kind of printer/slicer are you using? I've had an Ender 3 for a few months and it's been pretty swift

I grabbed the ender 3 Pro... pretty much the same as 3 but with some upgraded parts.. Its a lot of fun, but its definitely a learning curve for an old head like me.. cant wait to see your stuff man.

Joining again.

Oh yes!! I am so excited to present a new piece of art this year!!

No user "sinistermentor" exists in our system? :/ Hope typo...

Regarding the site though I had no idea you were using WP way back when! :D Tried a ton of CMS stuff back in the day but they quickly turned to a favorite, and I think they've tightened their security since, I haven't had any issues for maybe a decade now *knock on metal*.

Do you by any chance still have the theme files there? Some kind of replica on that layout up and running once more... that'd be amazing.

Hopefully it's just a typo

Or name change. :/ If you do still have and ever feel like sharing or open-sourcing those theme files though...

that was like 3 computers ago, But Ill look around... also which version?

Hope they're still out there somewhere... there were multiple versions too? I only remember glimpses but any one or all would be awesome. If you mean WP version that shouldn't be a problem, I could switch out deprecated bits if those exist, theme structure's still very similar.

All systems operational.

If anyone wants to collab on it, I can provide some music!

look at you chamber... almost 50 still doing this smh lol

Ages but a number playa..
And I got for as long as I live to keep trying to get at my dream.

Yo, this looks great!
I'm kinda new to everything in NG, so what's all this about? what's the contest :O?

Make an Robot related/inspired piece of art and upload it to NG.. make sure to tag it robotday2020.. and have fun


Never done this before but now I'm interested after seeing these sketches.

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