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love the new hair style! are the legs still robotic?

WonderSchwifty responds:

Yep, Steachy but still robotic. Usually long robot arms are hard but it was fun fixing her up.

really fun job here,. was this done with traditional tools? cause the marker coloring is awesome

SourCherryJack responds:

Thanks man! Yeah all traditional, ink and prismacolor markers.

Great redesign and use of colors, definitely more stylish and readable than the one in the movies :)

the last Knight was definitely the worse out of all of that, and thats saying alot since there were all pretty bad.. I actually wouldve liked if Nemisis prime looked this way, only if optimus had kept his flatnose cab mode.. Seeing as Nemisis, much like Megatron really wouldnt have the inclination to hide in an alt form. So transforming wouldn't really be priority.. Personally I enjoyed 'Transformers: Prime" take on Nemisis, though Im assuming not many would.

HeartisttheArtist responds:

Thank you so much for your kind words! I can't thank you enough!
I'm glad the effort of reworking this design paid off. Interesting take on his robot mode not looking like it transforms! I never thought of it that way!
I'm also a big fan of TFP's version of Nemesis. It was really cool to see so many slow and seemingly unrelated side plots come together to form him.
Thanks again for everything you said! I'm glad you enjoyed this piece!

the moment they made this Winnebago the Leader of the Autobots , is the day my childhood ended..
great job <3

ggjgjhgkjgjkgkj88 responds:

Thank You!

I love the organic nature of your metals.. has a Moebuis vibe to it, but definitely its own thing. really cool

GuiserGestalt responds:

Thank you for your kind words, also thank you for starting robot day! was cool getting the chance to throw my art in with everyone else’s.

loving that dusky glow, very gritty too nj!

ChazDude responds:

The master has spoken...

my man! always bring da heat, sexy as always <3

Kamikaye responds:

Yep ! :D Good to see such strong response this year !

damn those colors!! this would make a dope shirt! love it

Tarantulabean responds:

thanks man!

Props to anyone using Blender, that program is an unintuitive beast.. the robot arm came out perfect, little spin after he installs the head , adds personality

OmenaKettu responds:

I did wanna make it do a cute lil spin, but there was some issues and I was running out of time RIP

so great, its like one of my childhood memory chips exploded , very awesome.

ScepterDPinoy responds:

Thanks. Old School retro stuff is healthy.

"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace

Vector Life Giver

School Of Visual Arts

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