I can see where your coming from but, I disagree how greed should be a disease. Deep down all men and women are greedy. No matter how much they have already. It's just basic instincts that's all. Every person has a natural instinct to want more and more.
As for an alien council that has the power to save our planet but won't because they deem us unworthy as we do nothing but fight amoungst ourselfves and 'cause more and more destruction to our own homes. I agree. I'm a believer of aliens and U.F.O.s, I've always been a sucker for the documentaries and events about them. One event that still stricks me is that one when they had a large pole that was magnetised and when it snapped and fell back to earth hundreds of disked shaped objects were drawn to it. NASA claimed they were nothing but space debree. However why were they all the exact same shape and size then?
Anyway back to greed. Yeah basically, to claim something that exist in every mind as a disease it would be claiming that everyone in the world is mentally ill. Which itself is a possibility but, still hard to believe.
mind chamber..i love the fact that you ran about crap. i like to rant about political crap like this too XD
you make a very good point, by the way.
thats whats blogs are for, to get crap out of your system