And how would your mother feel about this, Chambs? Go ahead and break her heart just because you get hassled at the airport :P
"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace
Vector Life Giver
School Of Visual Arts
Allentown PA
Joined on 6/20/00
And how would your mother feel about this, Chambs? Go ahead and break her heart just because you get hassled at the airport :P
First Name: Mind
Last Name: Chamber
There's a Mindy Chambers on Facebook... whaddayathink?
<a href="">
haha right up my alley, I sent a friend request.
Oops that was broken.
<a href=""> g/mo/premiere_photo/20060410/08/87397 1083.jpg</a>
eww perm
BlackDevilX says:
Excuse me, but I eat chickunz and watermelonz. You cut lawns, eat rice and peas, and run when you hear INS is comin to town.
Dec. 14, 2008 | 5:12 PM MindChamber responds:
Haha well at least when we run, we aint always holdin a TV.
which part? the part about me cuting lawn and eating peas, or the part about me running from INS?
also Lol white people are so gullible :-p
well that aint racism, thats just fact.
change your name to shooburt.
Elbobo Mcfranklenstein
Gees guys keep the racism down
wtf? they mistake you with criminals? god this world is a fucking fail....
I know a guy called christian Ortiz. u could use that
I always thought ortiz was a spanish name, not mexican
you're right, but thats what ignorance does to ya
WHITE POWER!!!! O_O yeah i would consider changing your name. *cough* you didnt hear me say that.
Name ideas
Poop backpack
Titty maneuver
Bank Robber
Grave Robber
Sandwhich tester
Fart factory
Cum melven
Cum Hogan
Eric Cartman
Fart failure
Bank rupt
Jason Statham
fail, as always.
Maybe you can have your alias as mindchamber, but your real name still be Oritz. My name is mario so I don't have to worry XD.
you should be like MR.T just have a first name. You woud say im Mindchamber. that would be awesome! or if you dont like that change your name to Seymour Butts! that would be hilarious! a telemarketer would call and say "Is this Seymour Butts?" lol
Thanks for saying my Ego impression was good. I suppose that's mostly a compliment :p
yeah it was dead on.
as for the flash, it sucked balls.
I just do the voices, my friend. haha. It was fun either way. I'm finally animating something myself though, so I can be in control of a lot more than Voicing.
sweet, hopefully you will work with more original material.
Name yourself Rorschach Ortiz...Then people will know not to fuck with ya...
Actually you should just get your name changed to MC Ortiz, we'll know it stands for MindChamber, but everyone else can just think you're some badass dj
Why dont you pick something tipical like... daniel or carlos.
kinda defeats the point of changing you name to something unique, doesnt it