Sorry for the delay, Both Frosted and I got hung up on some minor details, but our minigame is out, and still in time for Pico Day! yay.
PS: I know its hard, in the process, of toning things down a bit.
update: after Frosted and I tweaked the hell out of the game. and submitted around 2.AM this morning, The First PM I get is this:
"I can't believe you nerfed Da Pink knight x.x It's pathetically easy now. Any chance of you uploading the harder version, maybe as a seperate submission?"
We just can't win, haha
P.P.S the hard version is still floating around. google it, and if it doesnt say "PE" on the top left in the preloader screen, then its the harder version
Very good! *favourites, votes 5*
Good work, you rock with graphics and such :)
Happy Pico Day!