great Work Thomas
You've come along way from Starwars gangsta Rap..
Both in art style and technique...
you should be very proud man..
great Work Thomas
You've come along way from Starwars gangsta Rap..
Both in art style and technique...
you should be very proud man..
Holie Mother of Christ...
Please please... remember me when you become a famous Director. and give me tickets to your premiere movie....
That was heart wrenching..You will become big..
please don't forget me:(
your biggest fan:(
Toooo Funny man..too funny
Very well done..
Very Professional piece of work.. The interactive extras where a real bonus..
timing and movement was represents the style very well.
The music turns this Flash into a piece of cinema.
great work the both of You.
Great Work!!
While I agree with you, this is your best work.. Your other pieces are also expectional!!.. The artwork is great.You have a nice eye for timing and compostion.. not to mention your one of the best Tween animators I've seen in a long time..
be proud!!
Wow, thanks! I'm a fan.
Very Good
Overall A Really good effect.. I personally liked the destruction in the begining, as the shots flowed nicely.. I think if you plan on sticking with tween fight animation,you might want to consider adding Knee and elbow joints to your characters, the added flexibility will give you a mucher Smoother result..
Yeah the only thing thats difficult about giving them joints is that its a smooth shade that i do, like a cell-shading ish method. If i did joints, it would be insanely hard to get the blends to match
That was Good... you my friend have the Eye of a director!!! this was soooo on point.. and so exciting to watch I loved every action-soaked Second!!! and I'm sorry to say it but this Blows out the Mushroom Kingdom Flash by randy of DCVG ..though my only gripe would be your choice of 8 bit sprites insead of 16.. But I know that was an artistic choice... This was sooo damn well done.. You got me thinking of making a Video game flash of my own!!
great great job..
"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace
PFP by @dahliaxblack
Vector Life Giver
School Of Visual Arts
Allentown PA
Joined on 6/20/00