nice work
the whole thing with the sign moving along the ground, and Hanks retrackable arm, was a nice touch.
nice work
the whole thing with the sign moving along the ground, and Hanks retrackable arm, was a nice touch.
In really is the penis of Hanks, but thanks anyway
great animation
but the conversion is pretty terrible.
are you sure you couldnt have up the resolution a bit? did you make sure the bitmap compression was as high as it could go in the publish settings?
animation,and coloringwise this was a great piece of work,
the quality is that terrible cause i originally made it as just a video so there are effects and such from different programs. it was a roundabout process getting it back to flash. I did actually put up a better quality version, I'm just waiting to actually go up on the site now. Should about twice the size.
nice work
Tons of action and fun effects.
you definitely went all out on this one.
that cameo was great too btw.
the credits were longer than the movie :3
that was intentional, id feel like a douchebag not using that poor ol' AP artists work for a reasonable length of time :*(
I DID not expect that. fuckin hilarious as always.
thanks mc ;)
nice work!
that some really fun FBF action you got going there! the poses are great, and the smile on the demon the whole time added alot of charm to it.
kinda wish it had a story though.
one of the more fun submissions youve uploaded in a while
very cute. I loved how hank shook with glee
<3 4eva babey
lol your ankle braclet was still there.
but your leg hair wasn't
haha nice work.
I liked the part where the elite slapped master chief with his pimp cain.
masterchief wasn't in it. this is a load of other Spartans who lived on reach
lookin hot man
cant wait for the full episode
"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace
PFP by @dahliaxblack
Vector Life Giver
School Of Visual Arts
Allentown PA
Joined on 6/20/00