Sup RobotHeadz, here is a list of this year's Robot Day winners.
Now remember if you didn't make the list, it doesn't mean your submission wasn't awesome, art is subjective!
It's winner's time
1st Place:
Almost missed this one! A Slick puzzle game with its roots set in old school Wario woods mechanics, it has loads of charm, great art ,music, and solid control, This was fun to play and great to look at..
P.S. This is why proper tags are important when doing NG contests, I missed this one, and possibly would have saw it after my judging!
2nd Place:
Punk/ska is not my jam, but there is no denying this still slaps. The puny lyrics are on point, and the music and singing is pro quality. Plus that amazing song cover art by Daker777NG
3rd Place:
amazing Piece with a stylish face design,insane detail and lighting to the mecha bits.
I just really loved staring at this one.
Much Love to everyone who took the time to make a submission for Robot Day, like Seriously, it means a lot.
Honorable mentions:
This platformer is great, slick, and addictive, some moves can feel abit sticky at times, but it had the hallmark traits of classics like Mr. FancyPants and 'N" would love to see more of this one, maybe with a little splash of color.
awesome job.
A nicely detailed group shot of the gang, with some really pleasing colors, would make a great postcard
Great design, and concept, enjoy the TF Prime-styled design as well.
Love physical art and this one is just great. I cracked when I realized he had a face.
the hammered metal paneling really sells it
Awesome design and great use of colors
Great pixel art and animation
Super Slick work
Great job adding so many characters in there, ended up being a perfect site skin!
This one is a banger, the drops are solid, and the melodies at the end are just haunting. Please don't ever stop.
Hits all the right notes with that NES charm.
Winners send me your paypal details in pm,
losers send me your death threats.