"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace

Vector Life Giver

School Of Visual Arts

Allentown PA

Joined on 6/20/00

Exp Points:
8,900 / 9,340
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Vote Power:
7.04 votes
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Art Scouts
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B/P Bonus:
11y 10m 12d

MindChamber's News

Posted by MindChamber - December 13th, 2021

Who else is amped for this contest?

I seriously cant wait to see who gets the glow up in the submissions!



Humble suggestion mention if it's an OC.

If it's not an OC, link the character's cartoon, or game on the site, just for reference!


Posted by MindChamber - November 23rd, 2021

I'm looking for a programmer possibly "remaster" some older games,

Preferably someone who has a real knack for fighters and combo systems.

I will be making a lot of these characters as low poly models.

So I would like to do these games in a 2.5D style (think Street Fighter4 or DeadCells)

down the line, the plan is to convert the models into 2D sprites which I'd post in my assets page after the game has had its run..

The First Game I'd like to tackle is a remake of Alloy Arena..

you can play that here... Its a fighting arena-type brawler similar to Madness Combat.

. I'm hoping to have the same type of scoring system, based on combos and juggle time, etc.

and hopefully, add a boss in there.

The next game I'd like to tackle after that is a 2v2 fighter with only Pico school characters. with that game Im hoping to get something similar to "Head2Head"

Link me to any games you've made in a similar genre. If you don't have one maybe show an unfinished prototype?.

Alright, get at me while I still have some money left, lmao


Posted by MindChamber - October 30th, 2021

I've been getting a lot of requests for older stuff, like assets for games, fla's for older preloaders, and such..

I've been handing them out on a request basis, but it would simply be easier to have it located all in one place.

Some of the game assets link to opengameart.org but should that ever go away I'll make sure to post backup copies of stuff here. you're more than welcome to request items in the comments below, and if I have it I'll update the list.

Just remember I don't own the rights all to these characters. unless specified, If you plan to use this in any commercial fashion whatsoever you need to make arrangements with the original creators..


Tranforming Tank

Pico Day 2007

Pico Day 2008

Cartoons fla's

Pico's Unloaded

Flash /png Game Sprites

NG Rumble Characters

Simple Zombies

Madness Regent (BGs)

Madness Accelerant (BGs,assets)

Pixel Puncher royalty-free

Red Baron royalty-free

Dark Saber (from redbaron) royalty-free

Defector (from Red Baron) royalty-free

Pink Knight royalty-free

Jing royalty-free

Armored Squids royalty-free

Viking royalty-free

Trolls royalty-free

Shmup assets royalty-free

Heavy Terror Machine royalty-free

Night Strike royalty-free

Pico's school 2 files (heavy zip file, PSDs, Fla,s audio, etc)

Random Effects and Splatters

Madness Accelerant effects

Red Baron Effects

old Pico and Alloy Arena Effects

Unfinished Alloy .GBA Demo (more of a prototype really)

For the last 8 years I've been rummaging through my old files trying to find what I could put up for free, it was just this thing I was doing every year on my birthday. I'd love to keep up the tradition, and now that I'm a free agent again that's what I intend to do. I would love to just make free assets as my main job but I still got bills, so if you'd like to help me do this full-time my plan is I'll be posting any new assets first on my Patreon shop first, then post them here later on. Also, kofi tips would definitely be awesome, and if that's not possible, a simple credit for any of the art used would be hugely appreciated. :)

Till All Are one.

Here are some legit free animation programs:

which you are probably better off using





Plastic animation Paper



Posted by MindChamber - September 3rd, 2021

Ok Folks, This get harder every year, so Ill say again what I said last year:

"Just know I understand and appreciate the work that went into every submission, and if you didn't get placed just know this is all subjective, and I hope you had fun creating and keep creating."

Ok Lets hop on to the Winners


1st Place:

Shemmet's little series of a "Couple of Robot Boys" had me watching them over and over.. They're just little moments, in the lives of these two robot friends, but they are extremely well done, and make me want to know more about these guys. Here's hoping Shemmets makes more of them.!

2nd Place:

Quarl hits us over the head with another amazing banger!

It doesn't particularly tell a story, that's up to you.

its this soundscape vibe that's perfect for letting your imagination run wild in.

3rd Place:

Ozark knocks it out of the park with another eye-catching piece..

he needs to make a comic already!

hit me up with your PayPal Addys in PM guys.


Close Calls : (1 year supporter) in no particular order

1) ThePsycoSheep's

Animated Logo Design, is the perfect example of style and effectiveness.

its eye-catching and smooth and represented Robot Day really well.

2)aki-T144 nice fantasy feel, catching some Moebius vibes too!

3)MrPakoMan hitting us with that Max Fleisher-styled P-Bot!! Gotta Singa';

4) LexRodent & LuckyDee whipped up something a bit different, Bluesy yet still had that rustic Robot feel.

I could easily see this as a credits song in such Robot Western games such as SteamWorld Dig

5)Canucko Putting a light on I-Bots shy personality :3

Honorable Mentions. In no particular order

1)PsychoGoldFish I saw this and I was immediately transported back to the 80s staring at some super expensive transformers in Sears.. PG nailed the Box art aesthetic from those days perfectly.

2)Krinkles has been steading improving his craft and has just turned into this cyborg illustrating powerhouse.

all his robotic designs just keep getting more detailed and impressive every year.

3)HeavenBreak0 Obscene level of detail.. looks like a still out anime!

4)EinMeister's Mechanical Leg is intricate and possibly functional?

really great design Id like to see more of!

5)Chdonga made a fun little robot platformer where you collect junk to keep alive

Still have no idea who Clyde was though. :D

6) PredatorMusic created some really nice music that could easily be in an Epic video game

7) Garnet-Frost Brings back the TF animated style with her soothing colors and polished lines.

8)StarDustJarr entry has smooth soft colors that almost feel like its airbrushed

9)doffu0000 Intricate and symmetric design could easily be on a shirt or skateboard

10)ScepterDPinoy Pixel art is tricky and Scepter's eye for small details is envious!

This Year was kinda nuts, sorry it took longer than before to Judge, but the influx of old and new artists submitting this year has really added some breath into this contest! Already Excited for what's to come next year.

Once again if I didn't pick or mention you, it's only because I can only post so much, and only have so much money :-p

There was a lot of really cool work and everyone that submitted did a great job!

Art by Shemmet




Posted by MindChamber - August 26th, 2021

EDIT: Slight delay on the winner announcements.. Even though it's still a relatively small contest, I got twice the art submissions this year!! I just need a bit more time to get through them!

expect a winner announcement no later than this Friday! September 3rd!

Woke up this morning to already a ton of awesome work!! I can't wait to dig in!

Heres what we got so far!




I'll be Judging these over the week and choosing winners by Wednesday

Sep 1st

This Awesome gif is by ThePsychoSheep give it vote!



Posted by MindChamber - March 3rd, 2021

Welp here it is, Probably the last Flash game I'll be ever contributing to.. PychoGoldfish made an addictive little platform brawler with the kibble of scratch art I tossed at him.. Thanks to all the animators, musicians and artists that stepped in and helped us finish when I couldn't commit the time. You guys are my heroes.

Play the game, then give everyone of them dudes a follow ❤️

Also works better in firefox 🤜😂🤛🏽


Posted by MindChamber - February 15th, 2021

A New Year, A New Robot Day comin'!!. Same time as Last year August 26th!

It's your chance to show your love for Artificial life in the form of art. While fan art is cool, Ill be looking for original works for the prizes.

I'll just be judging Art, animations, and games. If the turnout is lean, then Audio peeps could throw in their hat as well. Though it would work best if they collab'd with some animators or game Dev's.. Id only ask that whatever ya make, it was made between now and Robot Day: August 26th by 11:59 PM (EST)

Also, make sure to tag your work "robotday2021". So I can search for submissions

1st place ...300 bux in PayPal and a year of NG Sub

2nd place..150 bux in PayPal and 1 year of NG sub

3rd place....75 bux in PayPal and 1 year of NG sub

if you already have a Subscription to NG yourself, we can just add another year, or link me to someone that I can gift it to in your name.


And for Extra Credit TaperSteve is throwing a little extra incentive to the contest .


A £30 prize for the best render or animation or version of this colouring in line art. It is a png so shouldn’t have a background. Go crazy guys and girls make great versions.

(according to google thats $40 ish)


Image link




Posted by MindChamber - August 30th, 2020

Ok Folks, This get harder every year, so Ill say again what I said last year:

Just know I understand and appreciate the work that went into every submission, and if you didn't get placed just know this is all subjective, and I hope you had fun creating and keep creating.

With That Said let's get on with the winners


1st Place:

This game really had a little bit of everything. A refreshing Claymation style, simple but really fun mechanics, and just a great sense of humor and polish.

2nd Place:

This was super hard to pick, but Ozrks colors and style just kept me coming back. In-fact all his Robot and android designs are something to behold, please give this dude a follow.

3rd Place:

absolutely nuts rendering of p-Bot,and the fact that its hand drawn is wild, love the subtle shading in all his colors.

hit me up with your paypal Addys in PM guys.


Close Calls : (1 year supporter)

1) https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/761165

the Story has me intrigued and the musical number had me WTF'd :)

2) https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/959415

Bringin' da Crunk' and da' meows all at the same time!

3) https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/guisergestalt/robot-day-2020

Love the details, and organic Moebius vibe in this work.


Honorable Mentions.


Awesome piece with some bad ass Choir, and foreboding electrical effects


really great design Id like to see more of!


amazing concept work here, with a roided-out Pbot at the ready.


This was a blast guys.. I really wish I could choose more winners, but I got bills to pay too, lol

Hopefully we can do this again next year.


Posted by MindChamber - January 5th, 2020

Update: Its Robot Day!!

Excited to settle in this evening and take a peek at all the goodies!!

If you're not done, no worries, the deadline is 12midnight. eastern, so you got some time.

Ill be posting winners Sunday Afternoon on 8/30

UPdate Sunday: Still Deliberating.. this is gonna be a tough one. Give me till tonight to post winners.

Figure I might as well post this one early,give people some extra time. Same time as Last year August 26th!

Iet's keep it nice and tidy, Ill just be judging Art, animations and games. If the turn out is lean, then Audio peeps could throw in their hat as well. Though it would work best if they collab'd with some animators or game Dev'rs.. Since theres more time I have more breathing room to set a little more cash into this, Id only ask that whatever ya make, it was made between now and Robot Day:

Also make sure to tag your work "robotday2020". So I can search for submissions

1st place ..200 bux in PayPal and a year of NG Sub

2nd place..150 bux in PayPal and 1 year of NG sub

3rd place..50 bux in PayPal and 1 year of NG sub

if you already have a Subscription to NG yourself, we can just add another year, or link me to someone that I can gift to in your name.


Now Something Off-Topic but MindChamber related:


Over a decade ago I made a progress post showing the work that went into my MindChamber figure.. I want to use this post as my progress blog for my new Figure, which has been pretty much redesigned completely since then. The only difference is Ill be making him in 3D and printing out the pieces.. Im hoping that having Robot Day as a solid deadline, will keep me pushing foward until this bad boy is done..

Heres a really rough test print of his head.. Rotation sketches coming soon.



So keep an eye out for progress on this blog... Otherwise see ya on Robot Day!

Tiny MC Update Tried to work on the Torso this sunday, but wrestled more with my wacom drivers.. more hopefully this week..


In the story MC Was originally designed as a Mech, but his original body doesn't represent that well.. He needs to look like almost an empty husk when hes not 'occupied' with a Pilot

Getting there:



Posted by MindChamber - August 29th, 2019

Hey Guys!!

First I'd like to thank everyone that submitted a piece for Robot-Day.. It's a fun subject matter that is obviously near and dear to my heart, so it always is amazing to share that enthusiasm with others.. Its also a tiny way to give back to a site that still means the world to me even if I haven't been able to produce as much as I'd want to.

There were some really great submissions this year, it was tricky to settle down to 3. Just know I understand and appreciate the work that went into every submission, and if you didn't get placed just know this is all subjective, and I hope you had fun creating and keep creating.

1st ) TheDyingSun

2nd) Manunam

3rd) Quarl

[DM me your paypal email, or steam profile]


4th )P-Bot-SM 1 year Supporter

5th)PizzaBot 1 year Supporter

6th) like OverSeerer.1 yrSupporter

Honorable mentions



Done and Dusted




Thanks again guys, hope to do this again next year