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I have this in my hands!

and it came out great!

VidGameDude responds:

I'm glad you liked it!
i will try and improve it in the future and physically model another one to compare.


nice work

I like the details added to the halo, like the metal flames and the twisting geomtry that is circling the figure with the question mark

VidGameDude responds:

Thanks Mc, yeah it got honorable mention at a (Rigged) art gala competition.
So not much to say but it's going towards Matt's EBF4.

Appreciate the review!



man this may sound so juvenile, but I cant help but see that first large bug is taking

it up the rear by the one in the back with the lazors.

the lighting and rendering of the shadows is top notch

Xaltotun responds:

Haha. I don´t mean to worry you but you´re the first person that ever said that. And just to clear my mind: there are just three robots in the picture. :P

excellent work!

Everything you do always has this sense of motion.

Very fun and over the top too!

jouste responds:

hey alright!

thanks for stopping by mindchamber! always good to hear from you. and to be honest i really started to add more motion to my stuff after hitting up newgrounds.

appreciate the score and comment!


aww damn!

I really love the details! And the black n white coloring gives it that frank miller vibe. Nice work man

TheShadling responds:

I apprechiate it mindchamber!

awesome work

wicked and creepy all at the same time.

ImpendingRiot responds:

Thanks dude


I like how you gave it a more stylized and robotic lookl.

Im lovvin it

beastkid7 responds:

Thanx! I'm glad.

pretty sweet

you must have patience of a saint!

TheSpicanator responds:

thanks mind chamber.

awesome image

insanely well rendered. I can stare at those hands forever.

but once I get to the face, and those soulless saucer eyes. I lose interest.
anime eyes work well in animation, since they make conveying certain expressions in as little frames as possible much easier. but when it comes to hyper realistic work such as this, I don't think even the Japanese resort to anime eyes. she might as well be wearing a mask.

emiliapaw5 responds:

I know what you mean, I was stubborn and didn't want to let go off the 'anime' eyes, it's an old piece, my newer art goes more towards realism. I've learnt my lesson.

Thanks for the critique

love the picture

nice big expressive eyes, though I think your eyes are more squint y and catlike, and possibly a tad more farther apart. Aside from that, its pretty dead on.

you're such a cute boy :3

sucho responds:

OHHH THATS WHA-OH . HAHA OK. Stampy left that on my skype this morning and i was like wuuuuuuuuuuuuut

yeah, i noticed i kept them too far like the SECOND i uploaded. i always should let pictures sit around a day or two before i do that. and yeah, i've noticed i always look squinty outdoors and in photos because i'm NOT USED TO ANYTHING BRIGHTER THAN A BACKLIGHT D:

"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace

Vector Life Giver

School Of Visual Arts

Allentown PA

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