Nice work this came out pretty awesome!
Nice work this came out pretty awesome!
Thanks MindChamber, I had a lot to work with ;)
awesome work!
and the gif animations seemed to be playing perfectly!. are you using flash? whenever I export an animated gif from flash, the timing goes off.
I animated them in flash, then, I export them into image sequences and put them into a gif compiler software to export it into gifs without the shitty flash gif quality.
pretty damn awesome, nice work man
Thanks MindChamber, sometimes I feel like a brain stuck in a mech suit, I am sure You now the feeling!
Hilarious short, and so is your picture! Nice work
Thanks Jose! :3
I feel like such a REBEL now that I drew something gross. :D :D
haha nice work and details!
I love the happy eyes on ponychamber :3
Hahaha, you said that you liked Pinkie Pie, so I based the design on that character hahaha
I love the expression on her face. and the colors are excellent. Looking through your submissions you can really tell have vastly you've improved,
nice job
Thank you very much, I have been working so hard to improve myself in every way. It's so refreshing to see someone has noticed. Thanks!
ahhh ahaha what?
nice work, love the colors. I agree with Jak, needs a more pony-ish face, because right now it looks more like a centaur without arms.
still, pretty crazy though!
Join us next time for BARON BRONCO: Inside the the mask and how I managed to screw that up.
awesome work
While I like the line that separates her face to give that robotic panels vibe, it feels odd that the line is straight down, and not contoured to her face,
was she damaged some way in that specific angle and when she looks another direction, the line changes? just curious.
looks amazing though
Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Thank you!
excellent work dude
That's way more accurate than the one I modeled, and I had the actual trophy as reference! Great work
I used you tank as reference. I was thinking on asking you for the photos you were using in you work...
"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace
PFP by @dahliaxblack
Vector Life Giver
School Of Visual Arts
Allentown PA
Joined on 6/20/00