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haha I love it.

absolute badass man

love all the details, like the pizza and chicken, you actually played the game hah.

great movement to, everything just flows. that Iron cross on his cape is great too man I definitely will be adding that to the sequel

jouste responds:

alright! the man himself!

glad you dig the drawing. you always do super cool stuff mindchamber. it was a joy taking a bash at your guy.

a sequel!? oh man awesome. need any extra artwork? D:

thanks for dropping me a line pal. good to hear from you.


nice one!

I love bizzaros work, and your coloring did his work justice

purefey responds:

:3 I like justice.

Nice design and "I" stands for Image

I really like the toughness and look of the character.

I-Bots kinda the nerdy bunch of the crew , with big eyes, and a long skinny body.
the yellow is cool, but GBots already yellow :)

nice work!

Manuel-Dangelo responds:

Respect. Thanks you very much MC, in fact this is the first review I get from a staff member.
thanks you very much, I hope to see the oficial skin of I-Bot soon.

Edit: Maybe this will piss you off, maybe you'll get happy about it or maibe you wont't care but... whit the information you gaved me I'm going to make a Reinterpretation.
call it a second try

did she...

... just fart?

Artyluck responds:

Wait, I don't get it... Is it your wish or what? :D


its the sequel to the fishman story!

TheShadling responds:

Haha yeah, havent tought of that XD nice hearing of you again Mindchamber.

you really know your materials!

you really captured the vinyl material exactly!

Osuka responds:

Thanks, I did it with the Tankmen Figure on my desk :3


really love the colors

The-Swain responds:

thanks chambuh

haha Nice

I like how the background is inside a living room but the reflection is out in the woods.

and call the picture ROSIE, come on!

JACK-IN-THE-DARK responds:

Its magika lol
But really, all the reflections are from the same screenshot, i just can't remember if it was a plant vase or a windows showing some tree.
And it supose to a toy i think.
In DA the name is rosie, but the first time i got this on here o NG it got deleted without any reason so i changed the name thinking that this could be the only reason for this to get deleted.

nice work

that piconjo's pretty badass

Rovertarthead responds:

Thanks MindChamber! I was inspired to draw this from NGs Rumble and your Picos Unloaded cartoon.


If the actual game was like this I would soooo play it! XD nice work!

jouste responds:

haha thanks!

i think the regular art is still pretty slick. it made me want to draw a bunch of stuff like this. i think re-visiting the world BoMToons made would be pretty cool.

thanks for stoppping by mindchamber! good to hear from you!


"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace

Vector Life Giver

School Of Visual Arts

Allentown PA

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