Hey Cool!
You copied my end sequence from Pico's unloaded!!
I'm totally flattered! ^_^
Hey Cool!
You copied my end sequence from Pico's unloaded!!
I'm totally flattered! ^_^
O_o Wow!My flash was reveiwed by mindchamber!?And yeah Pico's Unloaded was AWESOME!Thanks for giving this such a high score!I'ma give you credit in the description!:D Stay cool!
HAhah yeah
Duude man!
You made me proud wit that piece!!
Great angles and timing, and all around direction!
and the dialogue was great too!
nice job!
all of us at the forums are proud of ya!!
Great Job from Resnet!
this was short and funny I loved it
can't wait to see more from you guys! ya make me proud!
Amazing piece of Work!
I absoluted loved the style direction of this music video.
the animation was so creatively tweened that at times elements almost looked 3D!!
my only suggestion is to tighten up the actual movement within that animation.
certain scenes couldve had more of a viceral "POP" had the moves been more violently exaggerated.
Keep up the Pro work!!
nice atmosphere
but there is absolutely no reason why this is over ten megs. not whatsoever.
this isn't even completed.
clean up your flash man..
This is great
the only thing thats retarded is not having a skipp button for that horrible song.
otherwise great work,
Man that was hilarious
for the brief minute it lasted, you had me hooked.
looks like you ran out of ideas tho.. wouldve been nice if you had completed this before submission.
"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace
PFP by @dahliaxblack
Vector Life Giver
School Of Visual Arts
Allentown PA
Joined on 6/20/00