"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace

Vector Life Giver

School Of Visual Arts

Allentown PA

Joined on 6/20/00

Exp Points:
8,900 / 9,340
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.04 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
11y 10m 13d

MindChamber's News

Posted by MindChamber - 2 weeks ago

BBC lover update: BBC lover is reportedly planting flowers in his garden


In other news, BBC hater has successfully fled the police and his home is currently under investigation by police



Art By @Ramen-Noodiles


Posted by MindChamber - 1 month ago

Actually this latest v2 patch has been out for like a month.

But I realized I never posted it here, so here's that lil' Alloy mod we were toiling away in our free time a few years back. It is out with a new patch that fixed some bugs and issues. Give it a try if you have before and it wasn't playing right for you

Alloy Fnf Vs Mod

match sure its Patch 2!!!!!!

and if you suck playing these Like I do, you can just watch my fav song in the mod.

Also grab Spadezer's music here


Posted by MindChamber - June 4th, 2024

RobotDay 2024 is a go!

It's that time of year again People.

Robot Day is almost upon us. Time to show everyone our love for the species that will eventually replace us!

So you know the deal, make your art themed around Robots,Robotics, or A.I. in the medium of your choice.

Prizes will be broken down as such.

$150 - 1st Place

$100 - 2nd Place

$50 - 3rd Place


I'll also note, please avoid using any unlicensed commercial music in your animation or game entry!Β Here are some music resources:Β "


The deadline for this year will beΒ August 26th, 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, USAΒ ,

make sure all your submissions are tagged withΒ 'RobotDay2024" so we can find them!

  • Also This is an obvious if not also ironic statement, No A.I. images, I'll Be watching you



Posted by MindChamber - May 17th, 2024

Spent the night, (and about an hour this morning) bagging these puppies up.

There are roughly 195 pins here. And since the attendance count is rounding out to almost 300, Imma be choosy who I hand these out to. If I don't recognize your username, Just show me your account.

I'll be bringing da Smokin' Pico stickers for guests and anyone else who would prefer that over the pinΒ πŸ¦ΎπŸ€–

update: So I ended up coming back home with roughly 90 left, and through the rest up on esty

any proceeds of these will go towards helping me commission some amazing animators for my shorts!




Posted by MindChamber - May 10th, 2024

As Most of you know Brandy has set up whats looking to be the biggest NG meet up in some time.


I was on the fence about the TMG meet-up, but this one just feels more NG oriented , so Im definitely more amped about this one. I made some special pins to hand out for the occasion, but had only ordered about 200 of them, and had no idea this meet up would have so many people coming!. So forgive me here, but I'm gonna be picky as to who I hand them out to.. If I don't recognize you, just show me your NG page when you ask for one. ( Sorry no rando's or non NG plus ones will be getting these XD )

anyways, looking forward to it, and lets have a good time.




Posted by MindChamber - April 30th, 2024

Happy Pico Day, (Tom's B Day)

Time to Drop some Treats. "Da Baddies" Pins Drop in

5 minutes, Lesssss Goooooo




Posted by MindChamber - February 8th, 2024

Just wanted to chime in here and say its " So far so good" for 2024. I have a bunch of projects I'm working on.

Effects for another indie game. widdling away at my Transformers Parody, a music video, roughing out the Storyboard for Unloaded 2 and finishing the still scene images for that Alloy Mod. On top of that. The Pico Pins have been a surprise hit, and I already have plans in the works to do some of the baddies of Pico's verse starting with Cassandra.


*photo courtesy of AfroNinja

So to everyone looking forward to a new year of milestones.

πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» lets get it poppin folks.


Posted by MindChamber - December 14th, 2023

Cookie Cutter comes out today, it was the first time I did effects for a Unity game, and I am happy with the way they came out!, If you like metrodivania games with some of that Heavy metal punk vibes give it a try.

Excited to see what people think



Posted by MindChamber - September 2nd, 2023

Sup RobotHeadz, here is a list of this year's Robot Day winners.

Now remember if you didn't make the list, it doesn't mean your submission wasn't awesome, art is subjective!

It's winner's time


1st Place:

Almost missed this one! A Slick puzzle game with its roots set in old school Wario woods mechanics, it has loads of charm, great art ,music, and solid control, This was fun to play and great to look at..

P.S. This is why proper tags are important when doing NG contests, I missed this one, and possibly would have saw it after my judging!

2nd Place:

Punk/ska is not my jam, but there is no denying this still slaps. The puny lyrics are on point, and the music and singing is pro quality. Plus that amazing song cover art by Daker777NG

3rd Place:

amazing Piece with a stylish face design,insane detail and lighting to the mecha bits.

I just really loved staring at this one.


Much Love to everyone who took the time to make a submission for Robot Day, like Seriously, it means a lot.

Honorable mentions:

This platformer is great, slick, and addictive, some moves can feel abit sticky at times, but it had the hallmark traits of classics like Mr. FancyPants and 'N" would love to see more of this one, maybe with a little splash of color.

awesome job.

A nicely detailed group shot of the gang, with some really pleasing colors, would make a great postcard

Great design, and concept, enjoy the TF Prime-styled design as well.

Love physical art and this one is just great. I cracked when I realized he had a face.

the hammered metal paneling really sells it

Awesome design and great use of colors

Great pixel art and animation

Super Slick work

Great job adding so many characters in there, ended up being a perfect site skin!

This one is a banger, the drops are solid, and the melodies at the end are just haunting. Please don't ever stop.

Hits all the right notes with that NES charm.

Winners send me your paypal details in pm,

losers send me your death threats.



Posted by MindChamber - August 27th, 2023

lots of awesome submissions this year!

Looks like I got my hands full!

I'll be looking through all the submissions throughout the week

I'll be sure to post the winners next Saturday.

Thanks again to everyone who took the time to submit.

Thanks for keeping this day exciting.πŸ¦ΎπŸ€–