I liked it.
" thats kind of impossible at this point, proxicide made the best street fighter flash ever!!!! every street fighter flash i watch after i seen his reminds me of his work. but thanks i could still try."
DOnt think that way, if people thought that way we would never seen new material, Prox is awesome but hes not unstoppable., You need to go at with your own flava.
Granted you still ripped waay to much off of Poxcide., and I was close to closing the windown when I I got to the ken and ryu part.
you some nice stuff going there, I loved when they did the hurricanes and landed their momentum cause them to twirl around, causing then to switch places.,
That was hot.. You need to incorporate more original ideas like that, and dont be afraid to customize the sprites. break them apart, make NEW MOVES..
YOU ARE THE STORY TELLER HERE, be creative with it!
good luck on your next project.