The lips were really creepy, I loved that.
The lips were really creepy, I loved that.
I've always found something very appealing about creepy lips!
that about sums it up.
excellent work you two.
You support this?
haha nice
Awesome work, I love your stuff. Some of the transitions between shots were kind of awkward, but for the most part I got the jist and found it funny!
Thanks. You know, you're not half bad yourself :)
this couldve been a holloween flash as well haha.
Nice work, wish it was longer, want more, plz comply.
LOUDRED shouts while stamping its feet. After it finishes shouting, this POKéMON becomes incapable of hearing anything for a while. This is considered to be a weak point.
wasnt really
that funny, and the fight scene was too short and uninterestin.
The one joke that was included in this was admittedly pretty crap, and yeah, I'm aware the fight scene itself was a bit short, I'll try to improve on both of those things when I get around to making another movie. As for the uninteresting part, I didn't really think it wasn't interesting, but if you didn't think it was then I guess I need to improve on that, too. Thanks for the comment!
Great teamwork!
Nice work! please pass our compliments down to the group of artists that make these videos, I would love to read their replies to them one day.
You just gave me an idea better than what I was already doing.
I need to write this down so i don't forget.
EDIT: I sent them an email. If they agree to what I asked this may happen soon.
hahaha man, that was great!
loved all the fbf goodness it and you pretty much got every weapon in there too lol.
Thanks Crocker and Jak, that was awesome.
Jak knew all those weapons by heart!
haha nice
that was alot of fun to watch, and I loved how you gave Scorpion twin spears, and had them use them in a kata. That was probably my favorite part. The bounding boxes around the sprites were annoying as was the repeating background sky. but you really did have a lot of fun making this and it shows. Im Sure Ed Boon will love you for this as well, as a fun flash like this will give the him alot of extra publicity. I know watching this made me want to give the game a chance now.
haha. keep having fun, eventually when you move away from sprites someday, you can look back at this and smile cause it was such a blast.
definately agree 100 percent. I am dying to be in the same league as Monty Oum now but I am no where near there and no where near Proxicide. Both of them have been a great deal of inspiration for me. I too hope Ed Boon watches this and tries to contact me or something because I love Mortal Kombat and I love DC both equally and nothing would satisfy my passion then to get an opportunity to work with either company. But I am glad you enjoyed it.
"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace
PFP by @dahliaxblack
Vector Life Giver
School Of Visual Arts
Allentown PA
Joined on 6/20/00