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I liked it.

nice well thought out piece, with good pacing and buildup. it was refreshing to see something other than gamertonight out of you. which was seriously starting to grate on me.
cool choice of music. and the monster was well animated. But that run cycle was pretty awful. I know run cycles are tuff (hell Im always battling them.) but its time to go back and study some poses there, and maybe watch some movie clips of people running in slow motion.

aside from that, it was a really cool piece.

RubberNinja responds:

I was never happy with the running cycle after I cleaned it up, but I was really short on time for that point. So I can't disagree with you there.

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

haha awesome fight scene.

really man, nice timing there, and great subtle effects.

Gold's voice sadly is super painfull to listen to. Thankfully that didnt take away form the action or the humor in this piece.

well done man seriously.

FleckoGold responds:

Thanks. I appreciate it. It's tough finding good audio and voices, maybe it's just not my thing. Or I just need to work at it. I never really actually knew how Flecko's voice would sound, either. Its all just been speech bubbles until I got into flash. Ha!

Thanks for the review.


Nice flash

great voice acting, decent detail,

overall a decent piece.

squeakytoad responds:

All true. I appreciate the review. Will have to remember to clean up the art. More tweened pieces do need to be more polished.
Also excellent point about the contraption. Actually, it originally wasn't there. Perhaps it was a poor decision on my part to add it. Hmm...

And the great voice acting is all to the credit of Tomar. That guy has to do less redoes than any other VA I've seen on the web so far. Perhaps why he's used so much. Got it perfect almost every time. Was a pleasure to work with him.

that was pretty hot

love the coloring and great use of filters. Gotta work on that anatomy tho, some of them shots the characters looked pretty busted, aside from that tho great atmosphere. This Deserves FP

Blordow responds:

yeah i have a bit of trouble with the anatomy, but sometimes it works well with my style. just need to try and make it more obvious. thanks!


it loops, thats a plus

The-iMortal responds:

lol =D

very cool

nice details and cool effects, looking forward to seeing the actual finished version.

Vel0x responds:

Tnx MC 4 the nice comment I'm glad that u liked it! XD


too awesome

LazyMuffin responds:

stay true dog

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Vector Life Giver

School Of Visual Arts

Allentown PA

Joined on 6/20/00

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11y 10m 13d