Overall I thoroughly Enjoyed this.
I thought your timing and angles were impeccable.
You had a very nice pace, and the tension was throughout.
The lighning, rain, and shadows were superbly done.
Looks like you have a great eye for storytelling.
I only had two gripes.
Link's wearing a damn gucci-armani suit..
I know this is supposed to be a contempory link and ganondorf.
but it just doesnt fit. If it were contempory then they would be fighting with Tricforce-Pistols instead.
while I could be wrong, I think you just downloaded the best poser
model you can find, and it happened to be wearing a suit. if Im wrong
then I apologize, but either way. it doesnt convey Link, or Zelda..
Niether did using the Sepiroth theme from Final Fantasy.
It did sound good, but since the chorus was chanting another characters name, from another game entirely. its distracting.
I think this was great piece of work that showcases your skills as a director.
Just doesnt work as a Zelda themed animation. no matter how much you explain behind it..
Remember you shouldnt have to explain your work, people should understand it on their own.
just my opinion..
keep up the great work.