"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace
PFP by @dahliaxblack

Vector Life Giver

School Of Visual Arts

Allentown PA

Joined on 6/20/00

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MindChamber's News

Posted by MindChamber - December 17th, 2009

.........In fact I'm the worst player at the Office.
But I never talk shit.

So dont get all Butthurt losing to me after talking smack over Live. HAHHAHAHA
Enjoy your RageQuit. lololol

Oh yeah, dont forget to link me to your favorite NG hiphop artist for my list here.

I'm not the best Street Fighter player....

Posted by MindChamber - November 20th, 2009

Quite a few people make this claim, some deservingly so, others... Not so much.

Either way, theres a growing community of amazing hiphop artists and Rappers on NG, that simply dont get enough Play. So Im Making a list of who I've heard and think is badass, with the help of DJ Delinquent. The goal is to give them a chance to shine on FP in a site dominated by DrumNBass and Techno.

If you got any favorites on your list and you want me to add them to this list, post them in comments.

**NOTE** Im looking at compiling a list of RAP ARTISTS. That means Im not looking at NG producers at the moment, thats for another list. and if you know a few LINK ME TO ONE OF THEIR SONGS. Dont bitch about how half ass my list is, if you have no intention on helpin'... ANYways.......

Nimbus The General Possibly one of the greatest MCs on Newgrounds. Known for Grimey lyrics and scratchy endless breathless Flow.
GasMasQSick Young MC with no set theme. GasmasQ keeps u geussing between what style he dons between each song.
TingTonger An uncanny MC known for Bright Red Hair and Beard. Ting Tonger is well adapted to sick beats + crazy story teller flowatry
Rymix and Ryder Dynamic Duo of 2 MCs. Fast and Furious environment styled Hip Hop. Expect creepy, original flows and unusual deliveries
Wyze Sting Ray A cat who has a great concience and lives up to the name "Wyze"
War Spawn Veteran of NG and lyrical inclined Genius.
Hells Gaurdian (Burly and Dex) Duo that has massacred every track since apperence on NG. Known for thought developing lyrics
MC MercuryCommercial Rapper with content that Brings 100% energy with his ryhms.

Lejin is a straight up asshole, basically gives everyone in the NG Hiphop community a hardtime.
But the dude is fuckin talented. He Brings new meaning to the term Trolling with Style,and if I ever saw his shit in a record shop I'd be the first to pick it up.


DJ Sess has some great beats, he's a bit too soft spoken for my tastes (no offense) but his lyrics are great.
KillBill just sounds pro, period, Im suprized that I havent heard him on the radio yet.

OBIEakaAO a bit emo, and cant sing lol, but crazy talented

GreenSkullKid , Nuts, hes like Eminem on speed, crazy skill

Exceptid62190, pretty hot, crazy tracks,
CaliberTheButcher is nutz, great dirtysouth vibe, and amazing trax

SteveGuzzi, great lyrics, old school vibe.

RobAkins seems like this dude'll spit on anything, from hiphop to DnB, and still keeps up.

redmongoose, great beats, but when it comes to rappin, he's got more in common with Devo than say 50cent.

WarLab, here's another dude who sounds like he should already be on the radio. NG is just brimmin with hiphop talent.

Vinstigator nice laid back rythms and beats, it bit too mellow for my tastes but definitely something you can vibe off.

BAF very very nice lyrics, coupled with a laid back flow = a must listen

Murdaa Dope Latino Bronx bombin goin on here.

R-avenger yoooooo, dont like the gay anime avatar fool you, this guy is crazy ill, smooth flow, fast and sharp.

Kanvas has a handle on all styles from laid back to dirty south, his battle me dont try to, made me lol

FBIPolux, His raps are in french, and he thinks people don't like it because its in french. I guess hes never listened to reggae. I think it has less to do with it being in french, and more to do with being slightly off Key. Still it isnt a bad listen.

J-Kellz , Fag hands, nuff said haha

/* */
The plan is to get more of these badboys on the front page, and get them some of the props they deserve, So link me to anyone you think is badass, I don't care if they are active here or not, more than likely they left from lack of exposure, and hopefully we can remedy that.

P.S. A big LOL to this pussy, that disses my list but logs off before I can respond:

HylissTellzKO (4:03:44 PM): lol your list is a joke, i love you you add the actual #1 artist to the list to start buzz. bunch of keyboard gangsters with no lives hanging out on ventrillo.

hylisstellzko is offline (4:03:55 PM)

Newgrounds' #1 HipHop Rap Artist?

Posted by MindChamber - October 22nd, 2009

Ben Spurgin (aka Spurginator) has been gracing newgrounds with his creativty for almost a decade now. I loved his over the top flair for the dramatic, as well as the ridiculous, and I rarely found anyone who was able to marry the two so effortlessly.

No matter what medium he worked with,be it film,games, or music, he attacked it with the same Zest and flair that only Ben could do. At times Ben would come to me for advice, but I would always go to him for inspiration, and thankfully I still can through his submissions.

I feel selfish in saying this, but I'm more pissed than sad that he's gone.

We had plans man!!!..I wanted to see both of us grow, compare notes, goof on each other. Whatever. Thankfully he left us his StickSlayer , Power of the Geek, Peeman cartoons to watch, and forever will his work be immortalized on NG, for the old and new flash artists alike.

And to Ben's mom,

well you know how I feel, and that feeling is echoed throughout NG and every upcoming flash artist hes ever inspired.

StickSlayer will live on Forever.

Posted by MindChamber - October 7th, 2009

Posted by MindChamber - September 22nd, 2009

Buckets of it..... Yes its tuff

Wylina's awesome Walkthru, for the faint of heart

And Karl11's medal Video Guide for the impatient.

There will Be Blood....


Posted by MindChamber - August 18th, 2009

Osuka and I are working on a short live action film, and I could really use a kick ass Musical score.

But trying to find it in the audio portal can be a bit of a challenge.

Anyone have any favorites audio submissions they would like to link me to?

Anyone willing to bang out a score in a few days from scratch? holla and let me know.
The musican will also have to sign a waiver because I plan to submit this to certain festivals if possible.
Here are the types Im looking for:

Something whimsical and low key, for the scenes when the inventor is just Tinkering at his table.
Something alittle bit more sinister when someone at his door offers to buy one of his inventions,and its clear they have evil purposes
Something Balls out Brass and robocopish when he kicks that persons ass with one of his inventions. hopefully with lots of choir stuff.

and something soft and heaven like, for the sad parts :* (

I haven't been that jealous of a movie since Robocop.

Need some Hot Classical music for a Short Film Im making..

Posted by MindChamber - June 25th, 2009

Looks like Bay learned his Lesson. He took all the aspects of movie making he is weak at ; (ei/ story arc , scene progression, creating emotion, empathy, character development), put all these weak traits in a wooden box, and then blew them up sky high.

Whats left is 2 and a half hours of Pure Visceral Action, that leaves your mind and eyes numb, but your mouth drooling from the sugar rush.

Revenge of the Fallen was the best Piece of Garbage I've had the pleasure of watching in a long Time. Bay couldn't direct traffic, But Prime saved me from it all,

I watched with a smile on my face from ear to ear, and It never left.

Revenge of the Fallen.


Posted by MindChamber - June 18th, 2009

We still have much to do with setting up, but things are coming along smoothly and we are all amped up for tomorrow.

Wizard Con Starts First thing tomorrow at Noon and evenone here are excited to be part of it.

Even now as I type this The office is Bustling with artists Ive been wanting to meet for some time.

Pigpen and his Mommy

WizardCon Booth Slowly coming together.

Posted by MindChamber - May 8th, 2009

As flash games become more intense and complex, The keyboard really has become somewhat obsolete for anything of more the most casual of Flash games.

Thats where Joy2Key comes in.

This nifty little program has been around for Years, and I'm still surprised how little people know about it. Basically you run the program, and Map whatever keys you want to what ever button is on your controller. You can even map the mouse to the analogue stick for menu navigation, and Since flash isn't compatible with controllers (yet), this is really the best option out there. If it wasn't for this Newgrounds"Rumble would be impossible to play with 4 players. Hell this little program can take up to 16 controller inputs if you ever decided to make one big epic multiplayer.
Best of all Its damn Free.

As Flash games keep raising the bar, and becoming closer and closer in quality and complexity to that of console games, it only makes sense, that they be played with controllers.

PS this might help you babies get your last Pink Knight Medals too, lol

some tutorials:

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Quit Playing Flash Games on your KeyBoard!

Posted by MindChamber - April 30th, 2009

Sorry for the delay, Both Frosted and I got hung up on some minor details, but our minigame is out, and still in time for Pico Day! yay.

Give it a whirl!!


PS: I know its hard, in the process, of toning things down a bit.

update: after Frosted and I tweaked the hell out of the game. and submitted around 2.AM this morning, The First PM I get is this:

"I can't believe you nerfed Da Pink knight x.x It's pathetically easy now. Any chance of you uploading the harder version, maybe as a seperate submission?"

We just can't win, haha

P.P.S the hard version is still floating around. google it, and if it doesnt say "PE" on the top left in the preloader screen, then its the harder version

Da Pink Knight is in da Buildin'