"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace
PFP by @dahliaxblack

Vector Life Giver

School Of Visual Arts

Allentown PA

Joined on 6/20/00

Exp Points:
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7.12 votes
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12y 5m 19d

MindChamber's News

Posted by MindChamber - April 3rd, 2009

Wanna get rid of that china post, the bodyworks image is yuky in the mornin when Im having breakfast,
and what better way to do it than talk about a New mini-Game coming From frostedmuffins and I.

It will be similar to the Pico Blast game, and hopefully just as fun.

we are aiming for Pico Day , and it will have medals, yay.

New Minigame with Frosted Comin' Soon

Posted by MindChamber - April 1st, 2009

China! fucking our country from back to front! Paving the way in porn distribution. Let us join them in this failure with you dumb dicks in this bullshit celebration!

Many thanks to Rob for coding such an amazing site

not to mention we wouldn't have Body Worlds Exhibits!

Thank goodness for  Chinese.

Posted by MindChamber - March 8th, 2009

Seriously Congrats to the winners, and all the nominees, you guys earned it man,

/* */
uploaded a clearer version

Posted by MindChamber - February 14th, 2009

The 2nd Annual Newgrounds Tank Awards is upon us, and everyone on the staff is very excited. So I decided to create a video that best shows the pain and love that goes into each trophy.

Props to Tom and bob for being good sports,
Thanks to Nathan for the lights and suggestions

vimeo embed isnt working, so I had to use youtube, Sorry.

/* */
I used Xarnor's song for the running sequence.

Dj_Padman's awesome song for the Pbot scene.

and SenshiSama piece started off the whole thing nice and mellow-like

It's a Tank!


Posted by MindChamber - January 31st, 2009

Has anyone seen this amazing documentary? It basically followed what happened in the 90s when the electric cars that being made in California, began to get noticed and swayed the public opinion away from gas cars.

Big Oil companies began to take notice, and squeezed the Big car companies into dropping the whole electric car biz all together. Brand new , totally unused Electric cars were ground into metal dust. Swept under the rug, and no one was the wiser.

The electric car business has always been an interest to me. There has been, in one form or another, an electric car since the early 1900s . Nikola Tesla was said to have had a prototype of a "horseless carriage", but I guess thats as far as it went.

Anyways, thanks to a smarter, more shrewed consumer, looks like hiking up gas prices and blaming it on a wars isn't gonna cut it this time. No matter what the oil companies tried to do, people stood home this Christmas, everyone tightened their belts, no one traveled, everyone is turning their backs towards the oil and gas industries and looking towards something better, and companies are scrambling to get a chance to grab that market again. The only problem this time is these dope new electric cars I've been seeing are fuckin expensive. I mean sure I would love a badass looking Electric car, The Tesla Roadster and the Chevy Volt make K.i.T.T. look like a model T. But who can afford that?

Like seriously, how is anyone saving anything if only a few rich people have electric cars, while the rest of the world is still on gas? By The Way, this is just the U.S. apparently every other country in Europe and China GET IT. They've had cheap Electric cars for years, while we choke down this nasty oil business.

Well It looks like Cheap Electric cars are coming back. While surfing the net, i found one. I was, like ho-lie shit , an electric commuter car for about the price of a Hyundai. Thats pretty hot. Always wanted an electric car, but figured it was going to be one of those eccentric dreams that only the rich can obtain. Even better this small company is located in Philly!! and these puppies are comin out this spring! I'mma start saving up for one now. Also don't forget to see the documentary.

BG Electric car

P.S. Im no Tree-hugger, for me its not about the environment, it's about lost technologies that were rightfully ours, but taken from us, out of greed.

Who Killed the Electric Car?

Posted by MindChamber - January 13th, 2009

Give this guy some props cause, he knows how to poop!

Snake my Pebbles remix
gave me a good laugh.

Posted by MindChamber - January 8th, 2009

Probably what goes through your mind whenever you see someone posting some traced, copied, deadleaves, jetgrindradio, paprika lookin stuff in the art forum, and you cant really prove it. Well try your luck with this


Its a reverse image search engine, that actually looks for copies or likenesses of an image.

I don't know how many of you already know about it, so disregard if you do, but they seem to state its pretty new which is why the search isn't really 100%, but the more you search with it, the bigger its library gets so we should all use it often.

This is also a cool way to track your art. Just to see how far it has spread and where things end up may yield interesting results. So I say it doesn't hurt to play around with it.

The only downside is you have to register to use it. I'm assuming to prevent it from being spammed by bots.

either way, doesn't hurt to mess around with it.

Unoriginal, anime tracin',  lame ass...

Posted by MindChamber - December 25th, 2008

Thanks to Tom's LoLwolf Post, I wanted to do something In the same Goofy vein, but somehow aimed towards the Holiday theme.

So I asked Tom if I could take a couple of days to whip up a flash quickie that Consisted of Frosty, hot cocoa , a latch-key kid and a sticky door. Tom said sure.. I mean How many bosses do you know that greenlight some of your mosted retarded Ideas? Sometimes I forget I how much I FUCKIN LOVE THIS JOB.

anways. You can see Tom posted that video last wednesday. Started this goofy Idea that Thrusday, did alil on sunday, and finished it up earlier today. So about five days. Its shorter, so its alil more detailed than my last submission, but not by much lol. Also sorry if I eat my words as Frost'D. Voiceactin' skillz aint up to par with voicegirl's (she did timmy)

either case, enjoy it and enjoy your holidays Fellas.

A Frost'D Christmas

Posted by MindChamber - November 30th, 2008

Seriously. Its getting tiring.

I just went to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. To change my NewYork Id, and get my license again.

So the dudes is inputting all my information. Then Looks at me. Then looks back to his computer.
Then back again my way.

I asked him whats up. He replies "it says here, you have something in Illinois , " I laugh. I never been there..

He gives me a "hmmmmm" So Im like, Dude, cross check my social, you cant do a check by name alone.
He said he cant do that. Then after like a minute, hes like. Ok, never mind. I asked why. Hes like,
your name is popping in UTAH, and Massachusetts, and and CA, and..

I was like good lord, you know my name is common right?. He was like 'apparently"

Now this situation isn't so bad, but it happens, ALOT. When I went to comicCon with Tom and the rest of the guys, the clerk flatout said "we are holding on more info on Mr Ortiz, apparently you have a bench Warrant".. I was like WHAT?? come on. Tom and the rest smiled and giggled, but I could tell that it was a nervous giggle. Lol white people are so gullible :-p

This also happened when I came back from Italy, and pretty much happens anytime I have to show a passport. Its really getting tiring.

And its Scary. We all know this System by which we are governed, is faulty and loose. One mis-identification and I could be detained somewhere indefinitely. Haha fuck , just another reason to hate to travel.

I constantly have made jokes about changing my name, but lately Ive been giving it some serious thought.

lol, MindChamber Ortiz.

Posted by MindChamber - October 24th, 2008

So Im itching to mess with clay again. My MindChamber, came out pretty pimp , being the first time I made a figure with joints and all.(PS , yes those are working LEDs, thanks for the help Wade)

I think I want to smell that funky Polymer clay in my fingernails once again. People Voted on A-Bot, as the next figure I should tackle

The catch here is making him a posable figure is no longer enough, I also want him to have the same visualizer that he has in the Audio Portal. Then after more thought I'm figuring he might as well transform,

There has already been a transformer made with an MP3 inside it. MP3 Soundwave

Making a custom mp3 soundwave to look like A-Bot would be easy enough, But I want to add a bit more.

I want the legs to have the speakers and the speakers to work, as well has having a visualizer, which will probably make him top heavy but I do have some ideas to correct that.

The Real problem is, I cant find a decent MP3 player that has a visualizer. Simply because visualizer on portable mp3 players would make no sense and kill the battery. Still, I can't believe no one has made a mod for this yet, people love overkill, and a visualizer on an mp3 seems overkill enough to have been made into at least one model. I just gotta find it.

The closest I have found was Mobiblu Boxon

The player is flat, and has a wide screen, and even has a visulizer at the bottom. only problem is how small it is. I want a full screen visualizer.

another option is to get this player, and simply add movies to it with songs that I like , and the visualizer looping in the movie. but that would be really lame and last option.

"Back Door Pats"

just curious what people thought of this. A BackDoor Pat is when a really popular or established flash artist, that you may admire, gives you a compliment over PM or email, but doesn't actually post a review.

Some people think the review system is a joke, or maybe they think their message would be missed.

I dont know about you , but If an artist I truly admired posted a review I would know.
I would be so honored, excited and flattered that he posted his thoughts with the rest, that to me it just means more, like publicly tipping his hat, in a crowd where others can see. When you get that backDoor Pat, its like.. eh good job kid, but if you say I was here, I'll deny it.
Maybe I'm just too cynical, and I simply don't take things for face value but. There's a reason we love to read our reviews its because we really want complaints as well as criticism public for all to see.

Anyways, as for the Mp3 player. let me know if any of you got any ideas. thanks.


I plan to use the T-Qualizer Cap, for the visualizer. Its thin and durable, and should work just fine.

Need an Mp3 Player, with a visualizer!. and backdoor Pats.