Quite a few people make this claim, some deservingly so, others... Not so much.
Either way, theres a growing community of amazing hiphop artists and Rappers on NG, that simply dont get enough Play. So Im Making a list of who I've heard and think is badass, with the help of DJ Delinquent. The goal is to give them a chance to shine on FP in a site dominated by DrumNBass and Techno.
If you got any favorites on your list and you want me to add them to this list, post them in comments.
**NOTE** Im looking at compiling a list of RAP ARTISTS. That means Im not looking at NG producers at the moment, thats for another list. and if you know a few LINK ME TO ONE OF THEIR SONGS. Dont bitch about how half ass my list is, if you have no intention on helpin'... ANYways.......
Nimbus The General Possibly one of the greatest MCs on Newgrounds. Known for Grimey lyrics and scratchy endless breathless Flow.
GasMasQSick Young MC with no set theme. GasmasQ keeps u geussing between what style he dons between each song.
TingTonger An uncanny MC known for Bright Red Hair and Beard. Ting Tonger is well adapted to sick beats + crazy story teller flowatry
Rymix and Ryder Dynamic Duo of 2 MCs. Fast and Furious environment styled Hip Hop. Expect creepy, original flows and unusual deliveries
Wyze Sting Ray A cat who has a great concience and lives up to the name "Wyze"
War Spawn Veteran of NG and lyrical inclined Genius.
Hells Gaurdian (Burly and Dex) Duo that has massacred every track since apperence on NG. Known for thought developing lyrics
MC MercuryCommercial Rapper with content that Brings 100% energy with his ryhms.
Lejin is a straight up asshole, basically gives everyone in the NG Hiphop community a hardtime.
But the dude is fuckin talented. He Brings new meaning to the term Trolling with Style,and if I ever saw his shit in a record shop I'd be the first to pick it up.
DJ Sess has some great beats, he's a bit too soft spoken for my tastes (no offense) but his lyrics are great.
KillBill just sounds pro, period, Im suprized that I havent heard him on the radio yet.
OBIEakaAO a bit emo, and cant sing lol, but crazy talented
GreenSkullKid , Nuts, hes like Eminem on speed, crazy skill
Exceptid62190, pretty hot, crazy tracks,
CaliberTheButcher is nutz, great dirtysouth vibe, and amazing trax
SteveGuzzi, great lyrics, old school vibe.
RobAkins seems like this dude'll spit on anything, from hiphop to DnB, and still keeps up.
redmongoose, great beats, but when it comes to rappin, he's got more in common with Devo than say 50cent.
WarLab, here's another dude who sounds like he should already be on the radio. NG is just brimmin with hiphop talent.
Vinstigator nice laid back rythms and beats, it bit too mellow for my tastes but definitely something you can vibe off.
BAF very very nice lyrics, coupled with a laid back flow = a must listen
Murdaa Dope Latino Bronx bombin goin on here.
R-avenger yoooooo, dont like the gay anime avatar fool you, this guy is crazy ill, smooth flow, fast and sharp.
Kanvas has a handle on all styles from laid back to dirty south, his battle me dont try to, made me lol
FBIPolux, His raps are in french, and he thinks people don't like it because its in french. I guess hes never listened to reggae. I think it has less to do with it being in french, and more to do with being slightly off Key. Still it isnt a bad listen.
J-Kellz , Fag hands, nuff said haha
/* */
The plan is to get more of these badboys on the front page, and get them some of the props they deserve, So link me to anyone you think is badass, I don't care if they are active here or not, more than likely they left from lack of exposure, and hopefully we can remedy that.
P.S. A big LOL to this pussy, that disses my list but logs off before I can respond:
HylissTellzKO (4:03:44 PM): lol your list is a joke, i love you you add the actual #1 artist to the list to start buzz. bunch of keyboard gangsters with no lives hanging out on ventrillo.
hylisstellzko is offline (4:03:55 PM)