the credits made me lol..
Japanese and Halo dont mix,
the credits made me lol..
Japanese and Halo dont mix,
Thats why the made Halo:Legends. Lol Thats a clip of Ryu Hayabusa kicking ass.
Lets hope your "actor" doesn't quit his day job :3
haha it's supposed to be corny!
hahah nice
I really enjoyed that. The story was serious but quickly delved into delicious nonsense. cant wait to see more
Nice to see you here.
nice work
you really didnt pull any punches with the angles and all that frame by frame, Im proud of ya ^_^..
no work on that anatomy son, lol
I wait 4 month for a 10 in you review, I feel me complete
very cute
reminded me of Doctor Katz.
Thanks my chamber.
not bad
that was a good re-enactment of Dans Ultra.
what system do you have SF4 for?
Xbox360 username is "Mindchamber"
I got it for pc, but I'll rent it for 360, I'll face you sometime, my Gamertag is Mr Fuzzy Panda
Lol nice
great timing on that bullet deflection! next time make it longer!
Damm it mindchamber ! the next time i wanna make a great fight, this really suck
the timing of refelction is in base to a class of gravity of animation
Nice work
great pacing! you know how to keep things interesting and the story is great.
there's some odd timing issues with a few things but man, you really cant be faulted for producing such a well rounded package. kudos.
thanks, glad you dug it
that was was pretty damn weird, but funny, and well acted
"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace
PFP by @dahliaxblack
Vector Life Giver
School Of Visual Arts
Allentown PA
Joined on 6/20/00