
373 Game Reviews

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Now this, this is a game right here

Great use of the mouse and the juggling system is fun! cool level up system as well. . The game seems spastic at times, and sometimes I lose my character for whatever reason. Thankfully the AI isnt completely braindead, the enemies attempt to block your attacks, forcing you to try different slashes to get the job done.

if anyone has a Drawing Tablet I suggest using it.

great work

acrazycanadian responds:

In hindsight, I should have put in more blocking/evasion for the basic enemies, it worked really well on the Tengu. Ah well, there's plenty of options for a sequel.

Its what it is.

Kinda sucks that the artist went out and bust his ass on this, while you took the easy route and rehashed your fail code from previous games. Its like you took all the criticism of your previous games and decided to do nothing with it.

WHY on earth would you think anyone is satified with hitting the same 3 hit animation over and over for ten minutes? Why is the player's combo interrupted when switching positions to address another enemy? Whats the point of jumping when you can't physically jump over an enemy? why doesn't the player move towards the enemy when he attacks? why are the enemies simply re-skins and provide no new attacks whatsoever.

why do even bother. Its so unfair to your partners who put 110% into a project just so you can rehash, your broken brawl code, over and over again.

the best

Its insanely addictive,

the graphics are cleaner as well as the interface and other details.

not much of a game.

More like an interactive story, as there really weren't any challenges involved, bascially just random clicking, and some super breezy platforming.


Solid mechanics,
Great ArtWork,

shitty voicework haha sorry bug.

I liked it, it couldve definitely used more variety and maybe a little invincibility after coming out of a death, as it was a tad unfair.

bad time to release this.

Miami Shark basically takes this same concept and blows it out of the water.

Skeik responds:

Yeah, we released it earlier then Miami Shark because we knew people would make comparisons to it. It's pretty disheartening, the same thing happened with Scoregamites and BFF. We would be even worse off if we decided to wait a week or two. Honestly they're two very different games that just happen to have sharks in them.

By far

one of your most hilarious games to date.

Wiesi responds:

thanks!! :)

fun game

The play on sonic battles was sweet, art was cool. The spin attack was pretty brain dead though, would've preferred if I had a chose to get out of it or not. Maybe a a timed hit window would've been better, maybe not as small as Pink Knights but definitely not to the point where you're stuck in it.

that last gauntlet is fuckin' cheap. hard to expect precise jumping when the screen is shaking all over the place. would've been nice to award the player maybe an extra life for finishing the boss in a certain time, so they could use it at the gauntlet. As it stands I breeze through the boss only to get tripped up at the guantlet.

definitely alot of fun

and you captured Dadnme's vibe perfectly/.

"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace

Vector Life Giver

School Of Visual Arts

Allentown PA

Joined on 6/20/00

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