
373 Game Reviews

129 w/ Responses

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such an amazing little piece of work

It was challenging and fun, and your art really oozes with style . great atmospheric time waster.


this is how bible class should be

not very fun.

to many random events makes this game more of a trial but luck than a legitimate fighting game. aside from sharing moves, the characters aren't unique or memorable, and the stand combo you do actually pushes forward making you disengage before falling off.

Its a clusterfuck of ideas thrown in without any real rhyme or reason, and ends up being a headache of a game that just inst fun to play.

incredibly fun and exciting

one of the best twitch games Ive played in some time.

fuckin A

I maxed out everything and still couldnt figure out how to kill that damn ninja

way too addicting for its own good

great friggin game

very addictive. reminds me of pitfall harry but with an ending haa I will be coming back to this soon

really fun game

definitely a nice homage to metroid and other similar adventure games. Kinda wished there was a more interesting end boss but it was still fun while it lasted.

Amazing visuals and animation.

the game itself was fun for the most part, alittle punishing at times.

I couple of things i think would make it feel less so is possibly making anything your character stands behind transparent. Its kinda hard to tell if there's a space behind a rock to drill to if you cant see it. That and make the hit boxes on the rocks much bigger. I would've also liked if i had a choice to start the level from where i died. having all the rocks reset after a kill was definitely frustrating. As for the first Boss, why not allow the player to move head? I know you want to keep the intensity up, but It would've been nice to get some breathing room in case i made a wrong turn. Infact that wouldve made it more intense. after i made a wrong turn, i just stopped moving, because i know i lost.
Either way once you memorize the boss level its no longer a challenge anyway so why not give players that breathing room to make it less frustrating.?

overall I liked the game, your animations are wonderful to watch and improved considerably.

Toonimated responds:

Thanks for the review... it seems indeed we need more learning in videogame production! Most complaints are about the difficulty and not understanding the character's position/view. Well thanks and always eager for your feedback!

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Vector Life Giver

School Of Visual Arts

Allentown PA

Joined on 6/20/00

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