fun concept and really cool art.
Ill try it again sometime,
but at this point I am so mega annoyed with the soundcave that I just want to focus on the good parts, click my rating, then talk about that sound cave.
great art, and most importantly great atmosphere. the interaction hub above everyone was nice and slick. really liked the evolve elements and the story was shaping up to be really cool.
Now for that sound cave. Firstly I had no idea i was supposed to follow the volume of the music to find my way out. I only found that out after reading some reviews. the guy says "WHats that NOISE" not whats that music.. or wow thats a beautiful flute.. you know something that made sense. So I raise my volume.. and unfortunately, her foots steps were so loud they made a crackling sound in my speakers. I thought i was to walk around and find a change in her footsteps.
ugh.. then theres the choice of music. Its a flute (or whatever) playing highs and lows, and stopping.. its not a continuous stream of music, its hard tell if its fading away or if the music is echoing. wrong choice for a sound puzzle.
it should've been a continuous piece of music. that you can definitely follow and know when its rising or lowering as you walked.
to take that one step further, make it layered. so when you were heading in the right direction, the song would add a new instrument to the song.
overall this was an amazing feat for just 3 days of work. and I really want to like it more than I do now, but that sound cave was just pure bullshit.