
373 Game Reviews

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nice work man, very cool

Butzbo responds:

Thanks MC! :D

your flash games are great!! I predict you're gonna make it big as a programmer <3

That Hanzo Cresent sequence is not fun.. the dash gets pretty unreliable when youre dealing with 2 or even 3 of those waves at once.. You should really also allow the player to use the pizza when they are ready to.. Trying to evade the pizza throughout the boss fight is tedious. maybe allow the player to collect them, then keep them in stock (5 max?).. also whats the hit box on Pico? it should really be as tight as possible for shooters. especially a shooter that uses physics and can shoot random trajectories. I had boom shoot across the level only to be killed by them because I didnt notice it fly offscreen

Everything else about the game is great, the sprites, the music, the animation. Using your dash move to power up your gun is also a very neat gameplay element, Hopefully later levels will open up more and allow the player some breathing room for some fun air attacking

your physics in flash is unparalleled man! this is gruesomely satisfying, great work!

mmankt responds:

hah thx man;) just good old box2d used in a more ambitious manner ;)

this came out awesome, great art from all involved!

TurkeyOnAStick responds:

Yeah, people did a really excellent job with the work and got creative with the linkages.
Thanks for the review, MC, and have a merry Christmas!

man dude, youre like, becoming a triple threat with all this art, animation and now game coding stuff, great game oozes a ton of style and humor. If I had one minor gripe the controls could feel a bit more responsive but aside from that killer.

deathink responds:

Thanks a real lot man, I put a lot of hard work into this. I also might be uploading some of my crappy music and VA stuff soon. Anyway, I am real glad you like it my man!

The ads popped up over the continue button, I could play anymore. Power up my ass.

fortunacus responds:

fixed, sorry for this inconvenien, load it again please

aside from the screen effects at the end, this was really unfun to navigate. you had all these long corridors to navigate, the the movement didnt flow, and making a left or right move would stop the player in his tracks if you started to move forward.

I wouldn't even call it experimental, just looks like you were trying stuff out, didn't like where it was going, but didnt want to feel like you wasted your time so you threw it up, and labeled it as such.

nice work, really well presented. very smart lil gaget you made, im totally impressed.
Unless Im missing something I kinda wish the floppy disk icon turned into the name of the person being interviewed, because after reading a few you could totally get lost on who the read next if all you have to go by is the number of their floppy

deathink responds:

Yeah, you can only see the name if you roll over them right now, but I do want to add a next button soon, or at least a way to go back to the index and start where you left off.

"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace

Vector Life Giver

School Of Visual Arts

Allentown PA

Joined on 6/20/00

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