simply put!
great luck with your company!
simply put!
great luck with your company!
this was Good..
But I know something Gooder!!! Got to http://www.outwar.Imanass./kjkjkghjglj
Haha nah!.. Dont you hate those losers?:)..
Anyway this game rocks!!
Cool test on the reflexes..
Synj does it again. (with alittle help from Rift:)
Wow.. Im thoroughly Impressed..
Those are some rock-solid physics, and great collistion detection..
Thats some hardcore coding there my friend..
if ya ever need extra graphics .. feel free to give me a buzz:-D
excellent Job
I have to say, having been working on and off on the massive,official Pico2 , Picos' Cousin Brings back the fun and nostalgia, That made me a Fan of the Original Pico in the first Place.
Great Inspiration..
Great Job...
Hey thanks! Wow! Its awesome that you wrote a review for this! YOURE one of the reasons i started Flash!
Top three reasons i started to teach my self Macromedia flash:
2. Pico's School
3. Newgrounds...
I'm a HUGE fan of your work, Alloy kicked ass, and i'm happy to see you respond to my game! :-)
Sweet Job!!!
Great Game Guys!!
That was more than a game!!!, It was an experience!!
I am an avid Fan of all three 'Panzer Dragoon' games for Sega..and While I was dissapointed when a fourth installment wasn't introduced to Dreamcast,there is one coming out for X-box..
And Utill then this little Flash will tie me over nicely..
Yes Folks its that good:)
Dare!! Dare to believe you can Survive!
This is well done!!
I'm not a big fan of RPGs.. and This badboy had me hooked, Great Job!!!..On a personal note.. I would of like to have seen some cycle animation movement from the characters in Battle mode, but I know that would've blown up the file size conserably..
This is really good stuff
keep it up!!
"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace
PFP by @dahliaxblack
Vector Life Giver
School Of Visual Arts
Allentown PA
Joined on 6/20/00