
373 Game Reviews

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You dear boy have skillz!
your style is great
animation is on point
Highly addictive game interaction
I did feel you have to work on the game play abit(controls aren't natural,as well the jery movements allow for alot of cheap shots from tom,resulting in the player doing the same)
nothing a little tweaking wouldn't fix.
For the record this is my scrore"Your Score :15110"

keep up the great work



I loved this!! if this is a parody of street life then its very well done!!!!!
boy that kingpin wav stuff is spreading thick!


now listen up

This game was really really good. your choice of music was up there. Also your staging and timing was really good too. So this is my suggestion,"get an artist to help YOU!!!" I'm saying this not to be insulting, but you need to know where your talents lie, and so far i see its from the programming aspect.
If you had an artist to help you then you could worry on how to better tweak the game.
in my opinion, in a shooting game , a target should have three animations, the moving around, the attack and the death. targets shouldn't simply dissapear when you shoot them.
These are just my suggestions.
keep up the good work

Welcome Aboard Johnny

This one's cute as hell. I love the metallic echo the cow makes when he falls into the machine. I can't wait to see more!!

Ortizanima tionZ

Pure Shit

interesting How you wrote almost an "essay" on how the flash short "puppymunch" was so lame. But judging by the last few games I checked out by you , it seems you took more time bashing the puppymunch animation, than you did working on all your flash games put together. First off the puppymunch was not a game that's why it was in the strangeshorts section, Second the fact that puppymunch had "tell target function" in the animation, does not constitute it as having "code".And the fact the you EVEN CONSIDERED IT AS CODE, leaves everyone to believe that you have no programing skills whatsoever. In fact its evident in those vectorized piles of shit that you call "flash games." So my suggestion is this, if your going to critize an animation, make the fuck sure you know what your talking about. otherwise your comments will be regarded as nothing more than a sniveling little talentless bitch crying out for attention in a world that will not hesitate to you that you suck......
little prick...............

Even more pure shit

interesting How you wrote almost an "essay" on how the flash short "puppymunch" was so lame. But judging by the last few games I checked out by you , it seems you took more time bashing the puppymunch animation, than you did working on all your flash games put together. First off the puppymunch was not a game that's why it was in the strangeshorts section, Second the fact that puppymunch had "tell target function" in the animation, does not constitute it as having "code".And the fact the you EVEN CONSIDERED IT AS CODE, leaves everyone to believe that you have no programing skills whatsoever. In fact its evident in those vectorized piles of shit that you call "flash games." So my suggestion is this, if your going to critize an animation, make the fuck sure you know what your talking about. otherwise your comments will be regarded as nothing more than a sniveling little talentless bitch crying out for attention in a world that will not hesitate to you that you suck......
little prick...............

Even more pure shit

interesting How you wrote almost an "essay" on how the flash short "puppymunch" was so lame. But judging by the last few games I checked out by you , it seems you took more time bashing the puppymunch animation, than you did working on all your flash games put together. First off the puppymunch was not a game that's why it was in the strangeshorts section, Second the fact that puppymunch had "tell target function" in the animation, does not constitute it as having "code".And the fact the you EVEN CONSIDERED IT AS CODE, leaves everyone to believe that you have no programing skills whatsoever. In fact its evident in those vectorized piles of shit that you call "flash games." So my suggestion is this, if your going to critize an animation, make the fuck sure you know what your talking about. otherwise your comments will be regarded as nothing more than a sniveling little talentless bitch crying out for attention in a world that will not hesitate to you that you suck......

little prick...............


I had lots of fun!! don't worry about the graphics they are just fine!! Just finish the GAME!!!
I even found an easter egg in this demo!!
I won't give it away but here's a hint
""SHake,shake,shake!!! "

keep goin' cause I'm hooked!!


I had Fun 'nuff said

"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace

Vector Life Giver

School Of Visual Arts

Allentown PA

Joined on 6/20/00

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