
129 Game Reviews w/ Response

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Incredibly engaging.

This flash game had me in a trance from start to finish.

Very Strong sense of atmosphere, and ambiance.

there’s no question that you were heavily influenced by Panzer Dragoon.
The music, and setting and Monster designs are very reminiscent of Panzer Zwei , but the similarities end there, as the health and fire system was incredibly unique, and dare I say even more interactive than the Panzer series it was inspired from.
I love what you have done here, and this Latest in the Nimian series is a culmination of all the hard work, and experiences from the first versions.
There’s no doubt this is a console game in a flash format here.

My only complaint is the lack of levels that lead up to the bosses, and small glitches visible in the art. BUT hey this IS flash after all.

My only wish is that you get recognized by SEGA, and that they may bring you on, to consult on their Next Panzer game.

Because you have some truly unique and inventive ideas.


popopt responds:

thanks MindChamber for mentioning the other Nimian games - I couldn't have done this without building on what I learned from the previous games, and the next one will benefit from what I learned in this game and all of these reviews!

Very Awesome fighter!

I think you have the basis of a very awesome fighting engine!!

its very solid, and I thought the game was alot of fun. I only have a few minor complaints, and some bugs to report.

A couple of times I jumped over the opponent, and my character didn't turn around, I was stuck facing the wrong direction taking hits, till I jumped back. some times after the jump attack, the elf would get stuck mid air, and I was able to land alot of cheap shots this way.

aside from the elf who was already fairly quick.
the fast and fierce attacks weren't varied in enough... throwing a quick punch shouldnt take the same amount of time as throwing a fierce one. Aside from the Elf I wasn't able to let off a flurry of quick attacks, and end it with a fierce one. It would also help of the attacks were more visually different as well. as from that, the attacks needed more of an overal reach as well.

All in all a great fighting flash game. Closest so far to the arcades!!
keep it up!!

gavD responds:

Thanks for the heads up on the mid air bug... Nice review!

Hahah yeah baby!

Fish is an Old Schooler at heart just like me!. Which is why I love this game. It plays on your nostalgic chord, while delivering new gameplay elements with the older crowd in mind.

I love this game and everything it represents!!

Thumbs up baby!

PsychoGoldfish responds:

and it runs on b33r wich is 80% more efficient than fossile fuels.


Niiice JOB!!

Great Job!! I loved the Fist Picos Cousin game and this one out did it in leeps and bounds!! The gameplay is much tougher and and engine is complimented by poxpowers great art!!

Way to go guys!

Magna responds:

Thanks man! It was all worth it.

That was great!

Not only was it a great RPG game it was also Slickly packaged with great art, and also tons of humor!

Nice work!

Visual-Noize responds:

^___________^ Wooha! Thanks!

Ahh mn Beast! Welcome Back!!

Holiie SHit I missed you!!

Great to have you back... You art has improved my man.. nice work!!
Your backgrounds can pass for photoshop work.and you animation has improved too!! You've been keeping busy!
Great to see you're still one of the humble greats that brave these halls:)

MindChamber AKA OrtizanimationZ

Beast0 responds:

Flipside Shiggidy BO shank!

Cheers Jose, what a legend, stop hanging around this ghetto and get a job! ;)


excellent Job

I have to say, having been working on and off on the massive,official Pico2 , Picos' Cousin Brings back the fun and nostalgia, That made me a Fan of the Original Pico in the first Place.

Great Inspiration..

Great Job...

Magna responds:

Hey thanks! Wow! Its awesome that you wrote a review for this! YOURE one of the reasons i started Flash!
Top three reasons i started to teach my self Macromedia flash:
1. www.homestarrunner.com
2. Pico's School
3. Newgrounds...

I'm a HUGE fan of your work, Alloy kicked ass, and i'm happy to see you respond to my game! :-)

"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace

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