nice game, has real charm, and feels solid. And ol Octi found a side job selling warez!!
haha Ill be joining that kickstarter plz
nice game, has real charm, and feels solid. And ol Octi found a side job selling warez!!
haha Ill be joining that kickstarter plz
robot warez :o
nice work man, very cool
Thanks MC! :D
your physics in flash is unparalleled man! this is gruesomely satisfying, great work!
hah thx man;) just good old box2d used in a more ambitious manner ;)
this came out awesome, great art from all involved!
Yeah, people did a really excellent job with the work and got creative with the linkages.
Thanks for the review, MC, and have a merry Christmas!
man dude, youre like, becoming a triple threat with all this art, animation and now game coding stuff, great game oozes a ton of style and humor. If I had one minor gripe the controls could feel a bit more responsive but aside from that killer.
Thanks a real lot man, I put a lot of hard work into this. I also might be uploading some of my crappy music and VA stuff soon. Anyway, I am real glad you like it my man!
The ads popped up over the continue button, I could play anymore. Power up my ass.
fixed, sorry for this inconvenien, load it again please
nice work, really well presented. very smart lil gaget you made, im totally impressed.
Unless Im missing something I kinda wish the floppy disk icon turned into the name of the person being interviewed, because after reading a few you could totally get lost on who the read next if all you have to go by is the number of their floppy
Yeah, you can only see the name if you roll over them right now, but I do want to add a next button soon, or at least a way to go back to the index and start where you left off.
Nice work! this was really a lot of fun to play, and clay rendered sprites were definitely refeshing! mustve taken forever!.
nice job!
Yeah, it did take pretty long to do that. Cheers for the review!
nice work. plays really well, and the connection is smooth. Though you will probably need a player cap, as I went from 5 to 7 pages of players while i was playing. Now its saying loading 1 of 2 pages, but it never loads.
Yeah, a few people (including myself) have this issue... I believe it's something with the API D:
I loved it. Yes the animations and art could do with a bit more care, but I actually liked the fighting system, it was decent, and very in-depth. Some issues here and there with the timing of certain moves. and the combos, take a certain rhythm to get into them, but once you do its a lot of fun.
Love the attention to detain on the impact hit, effects and even the ability to combo into your super move. great work.
hey cool, a comment from THE MindChamber :) Love your work man, and thanks for the cool comment, and point noted. :D
"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace
PFP by @dahliaxblack
Vector Life Giver
School Of Visual Arts
Allentown PA
Joined on 6/20/00