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cant get over to that second platform..
instructions definitely need to be clearer.. I drop a petal, float across, and hit the wall, and fall down.. why.. am I supposed to drop more than one pedal for more float? I noticed I can gain lift.. why isnt that explained? are the vases for display? at first I was trying to drop a pedal in it.. why isnt there, some ledge forgiveness? I tried to clear the second gap with a run-jump.. no good.. why do I have to wait out the whole plucking animation to move forward.. does this play into a fight or flight mechanic later on?

How do I clear that second jump.

HealliesGames responds:

Hi! If you are referring to the tutorial stage, while you're on blue flower power, you can move up and down.

So, you need to take the petal and hold up to float.
Also taking the petal while jumping can give more height.

And yes, vases are aesthetic. Except those you will see later.

That baby cry is creepy !!
I cant seem to feed her, any tips?

edit thanks for the tip,, youre right that second half is nuts! haha nice work

Notabla responds:

You have to collect three things around the house and then heat the whole thing before feeding her. :)

very cute, the monochrome colors bring back the fun days of neo geo pocket. nice work

Harlemblack responds:

Thank you, sir. Yes, the idea was to make a game with retro graphic style and the hardcore gameplay of arcade/atari games.

nice game, has real charm, and feels solid. And ol Octi found a side job selling warez!!

haha Ill be joining that kickstarter plz

squidly responds:

robot warez :o

nice work man, very cool

Butzbo responds:

Thanks MC! :D

your physics in flash is unparalleled man! this is gruesomely satisfying, great work!

mmankt responds:

hah thx man;) just good old box2d used in a more ambitious manner ;)

this came out awesome, great art from all involved!

TurkeyOnAStick responds:

Yeah, people did a really excellent job with the work and got creative with the linkages.
Thanks for the review, MC, and have a merry Christmas!

man dude, youre like, becoming a triple threat with all this art, animation and now game coding stuff, great game oozes a ton of style and humor. If I had one minor gripe the controls could feel a bit more responsive but aside from that killer.

deathink responds:

Thanks a real lot man, I put a lot of hard work into this. I also might be uploading some of my crappy music and VA stuff soon. Anyway, I am real glad you like it my man!

The ads popped up over the continue button, I could play anymore. Power up my ass.

fortunacus responds:

fixed, sorry for this inconvenien, load it again please

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Vector Life Giver

School Of Visual Arts

Allentown PA

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