This is absolute bonkers.. The number of cameos and area attacks alone deserve some attention
but man, is this game satisfying..
the combat upgrades really fit the style of each character, and shit you even added some bananas lookin' 'locoCycle' attacks to Alloys Bike mode, I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT!..
The Area of Effect for targeting with ranged weapons was really clever, bravo
And That Red Baron Boss? OMG,, so evil so perfect. his Ultra is sexy as hell.
the impact hits are crunchy and satisfying, the HuD are sharp, the fuckin music is a wonderful sensory overload of 90s vibe.. Oh and controller support,? God Bless you
Sorry for the stream of consciousness review, Im just really diggin' this game
I plan to come back and get ALL those Medals, you best Believe