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Awesome game with loads of style

Jacob responds:

Happy belated birthday!

nice job this came together really well,

Taka responds:

Yoooo mind chamber thxxxx

nice job,, no idea how to beat that second Bear..

VoicesByCorey responds:

Takes a bit of practice, but once you figure it out, it's an easy win!

Dungeonation responds:

Puzzle ripped from the original — good luck :D

great job, slick controls amazing art, fvckin brutal :p

Stepford responds:

>slick controls

definitely slick... slick like oil under a cartoon character!!!

really excellent work, the movement feels really polished and the attacks have a nice heft and impact to them.. love the art and style as well.. my only crit is there a lot of buttons..
I keep looking down to see which button my hand is on with the keyboard, but it is better with a controller for sure.. anyways love it, cant wait for more.

KeithGarces responds:

Damn this is cathartic. Followed your work since you were pumping out content for Alloy. Glad you enjoyed the game! We definitely hear you on the controls, so those are getting reworked along with the next big update coming up. Thanks again!

Nice throw back! , Love the pixel style, and it's pretty awesome that it's online.

larrynachos responds:

Thank you! I'm really glad you liked it <3

allow ruffle in your options for games

jhonykk responds:

ok thx for comment

great game, really Slick and polished too

BoMToons responds:

Thanks MC, means a lot, of course, coming from you <3

fun game!. love the music and chill vibe..
Couldn't get to the moon no matter how many times I tried to come in slow.. Its a bit too close to the border i feel.. . The blue arrow pretty much didn't change direction until i was almost past it, which feels a lil too late.. perhaps a subtle line of trajectory in the background?
Also the tutorials don't mention the thruster controls anywhere. the last test in flight school can be passed by just hopping.

an abort button when you spin out of control would be nice too

larrynachos responds:

Thanks! The moon landing is tricky I agree! The blue arrow's angle is determined by the angle between the ship and the moon, which is straight up for most of the journey. I'm planning on adding a distance indicator though! Good catch on the tutorial, I'll add a note about the left and right thrusters :) The abort button idea is pretty interesting, I'll probably add that feature if I take the plunge and add custom ship building in an update or sequel, thanks for the suggestion! Maybe for now the little window guy could eject and parachute down xD

Thanks again for your feedback, it was very informative!

"If reality is dependent on what each person perceives it to be,Then reality as a collective does not exist."~MindChamber
"Do not be defined by your conditioning, Otherwise the rest of the world will define your path."~IntraFace

Vector Life Giver

School Of Visual Arts

Allentown PA

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